If you’ve never raised a puppy by yourself or if your dog isn’t perfectly house trained, leash trained, AND crate trained - don’t talk to me


New member
Basically every friend I have gives me unsolicited advice on how to train my puppy even though they’ve never raised/had a dog.

Or their family adopted an older dog and now suddenly they know ~everything~ about puppies.

Or they had a roommate who had a puppy and now they know how to train puppies because they “bAsiCally WaTcheD it gRoW uP”.

Or they’ve never bothered to do any research and give me advice based on their “gut feeling”.

Or simply their dog was so poorly house-trained and socialized that it almost never left the house and eliminated everywhere and anywhere indoors. Thank god that dog was rehomed.

What the fuck? I’m doing my best. Piss off.
@gopi007bond ROFL.

I remember when we had our first kid, we'd get all this unsolicited advice. A friend told me their kid either only go to sleep in the car, so if the kid wouldn't sleep, he'd put her in her car seat and put it on the dryer and turn it on. Few minutes later kid was sleeping. Always remembered that, and one night i was desperate enough to try it!

When we got our dog I listened to the advice and filed it away. People are usually trying to be helpful. Just said thanks. Most of the advise was similar. I took it so with a grain of salt and did my own research before trying things.

Saw a special on dogs recently (Episode of Explained on Netflix). Evidently they can smell your emotions. They captured sweat from someone watching "The Shining" (old scary movie) vs a happy situation (forgot what it was). Dog smelling the scared sweat reacted with fear. They retreated. Dogs smelling the pleasant sweat wagged their tails. If you accidently hurt your dog your scent tells them it was unintentional and they immediately forgive. But if you do it in anger, it's very different. Sometimes it feels like your dog can read your mind. But it's your scent they are reading.

So don't get stressed. Be happy. Love and enjoy your pet and don't let unsolicited advice piss you off.

Good luck!
@jodiw When I accidentally hurt my dog, she always immediately runs over for reassurance, then she starts comforting me. It's really sweet.
@sdr77 Wow when I accidentally hurt mine, he runs to hide under the table. Takes him a good minute to forgive me then come give me kisses lol.
@jodiw I accidentally caught my pup's tail in the door. She immediately ran into my boyfriend's lap and gave me the stink eye for 10 minutes lol. I felt so terrible. He accidentally caught her tail under a piece of furniture and she crawled into his lap and gave me the stink eye! Such a baby.
@jodiw I accidentally pinched my dog with the scissors yesterday while giving him a trim. I was mortified, I felt horrible and my little doggy just jumped in my lap and started to nuzzle into me. I was way more upset the he was. Didn’t break skin, just pinched a bit for him to let me know and me to feel like a total pile of poop. It definitely was like him comforting me
@gopi007bond Hahaha, I was visiting my mom with my 6 month, very well behaved (for his age) pup.

At some point, she started lecturing me on how it's not good for the dog to not say goodbye when we're leaving for a few hours, and that it will cause him issues (he has 0 anxiety about staying with someone precisely because I trained him for it and we don't make it a big deal).

She never raised a puppy. She never had a dog. She has ZERO experience in dog behavior, and I mean like, she's oblivious to everything dog-related.

I raised one eyebrow and thanked her for sharing her clearly in-depth dog training experience. She promptly realized the absurdity of the situation and started laughing at herself.
@gopi007bond My aunt has never owned a dog yet always spams me with advice that she's read in some article. I know she means well, but in the beginning I was spending all time during crate naps frantically googling all the issues we were having, and had already read most of the articles she would send.

Plus I eventually stopped reading articles on puppy training altogether because even though they offer some good points it's almost always grossly oversimplified, and usually in the tone of "Simply do XYZ and have patience and it'll all work out :)" That's why this sub has been a god send because sometimes what I need is less about the training and more hearing from other people going through it and for someone to just tell me everything sucks and will continue to suck until it sucks a little less.
@gopi007bond At least once a day I ask my partner how on earth people do this on their own, so you have my complete respect haha. You just keep doing what you think is best for you and your pup.
@gopi007bond Even in this sub... I saw a comment where someone was like, "I cannot believe people get bitten by their puppy. Wear long sleeves and long pants and use the techniques that are suggested. I never had scratches or bites."

Ok bruh, it's 40C with the humidity - let me go get those magical long pants and shirts that don't rip from puppy teeth AND keep me cool in the humidity.
long sleeves and pants? I wear a full suit of armor at all times!

Also that kind of advice cracks me up because like…just because you can’t feel it doesn’t make it not a behavioral issue lol
@gopi007bond I haven't had anyone do this to me (yet). But honestly I can get so stressed about people coming over, me bringing the puppy to someone else or even just going outside with him and someone will judge me and/or give me unsolicited advice.
@gopi007bond My husband, after spending most of the day with our 10-month old lab while I was out: "We really need to get serious about training this dog."

Me, after spending the last 3.5 months training our reactive dog that him and the kids wanted, and that I agreed to reluctantly and am stuck doing 90% of the work for: "Sure, I'll get right on that." [in my most passive-aggressive tone]
@imagebeastmarkbeast Ughh reactivity is the worse, I feel like my puppy is doing so well in every catégorie except for staying calm when he sees other dogs on walks or people looking at him.

I’ve gotten to the point where if someone isn’t looking at him on a walk he won’t be reactive, but the moment they look at him all bets are off.

Tonight I gave up on my walk since I think he woke up the entire neighborhood, wouldn’t stop jumping up and down and barking at this one dog that him and his owner always just walk by us no care in the world for us. Then he got overstimulated and would start biting the leash. Ughhhh