I got THAT doodle owner…


New member
Already dreading when this client comes back in 6 weeks… One year old doodle who has never gotten a full haircut. I felt the dog over and made NO promises to parent about the condition of his coat. Noticed some matting on the belly and noted to parent but told her I would bathe and dry to further asses his coat. Parent INSISTED he not be cut short and that she wanted a teddy bear, one length all over cut. Took forever just based on the sheer amount of coat he had, but super sweet boy. Obviously matted. Was able to get through to his skin, but he just had so. much. coat. that of course some of it was bound to be matted (neck, behind ears, tuck up, all inside back legs, and feet). I called mom and told her we could A) do a full haircut but that it would have to be short, or B) I could spend max 30-45 minutes brushing out what I could and do a mini groom. Of course she went with B, and told me she is going to work on his coat at home… I'm trying not to dwell on the fact that in another 6 weeks I'm going to have to tell her the same thing. If I would be willing to de-mat the dog (which I am NOT) it would easily take 2-3 hours just to get his coat into the condition I would need it to be to get a clipper comb through it. I know I have the support of my salon but I am already dreading this interaction and am so frustrated at what lengths this parent is going to hold on to her dogs coat.
@bigred78 Don't give them options. If you can't get a comb through it at check in, shave or nothing. These types of owners are always going to choose option B and the dog is going to come back in 6 weeks even more matted. I tried being nice and offering to comb some but no more. At this point it is willful ignorance. There is so much information available about maintenance for a dog's coat. ugh.
@thankfullness I am frustrated at myself that I even gave her the option. I’m a new groomer and it was a rough day. Literally called my boss for reassurance. That’s what it will come to in 6 weeks, unfortunately I just pushed out the problem. Noted for future.
@bigred78 hey we have all been in that position. I caved because the owners brought their kids with and although I am blunt, I try to be "nicer" when kids are around because people blame their kids too often for this type of thing. I'm just already over it and I've not been grooming long either. You get a sense of the people who are willing to learn and the people who aren't after a while.
@thankfullness For sure. And maybe she’ll come back in 6 weeks ready to come to terms of what needs to happen. Either that or it’ll be a rude awakening. I needed to use stronger words when chatting with her. Thanks for the reassurance and advice! Like I said, rough day and I just needed to vent. This was on top of 2 other shave downs and staying late to finish my last dog.
@bigred78 Ugh. I know that feeling. Too many times I’ve said stuff and as I’m saying my brain is telling me to shut up and I keep saying it lol and I’ve been doing this for 23yrs 😂
I would tell her before she even brings the dog that if it’s matted in any way,it will be shaved. That way she can choose to just cancel the appointment and you can refill it with someone else.
Do you do reminder calls?
@clare100 We do. I have notes that she refused my full groom offer and am prepared to shave her pup next visit, but it’s a good idea to say that in the reminder calls :)
@bigred78 Good for you. It’s extremely hard for me to put my foot down even after 20+yrs of doing this. But I’m tired and I can’t do this anymore. I stopped taking new doodles and with the ones I do have it’s short or they can go elsewhere. If one isn’t matted I’ll do a bath and brush out but I know (and tell them) the next time it comes in I’ll have to shave it anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️
More times than not eventually they snap out of whatever doodle fog these types of owners go into and they start being reasonable lol.
Every time I’d get a new doodle it was days of anxiety. It’s exhausting.
@thankfullness THIS. You won’t get anything out of working your ass off on these dogs but extremely hurt feelings-and a sore body.
I tell ppl it’s a short clip or nothing. The longest I’ll do is a 3F and that’s only if I CAN.
I know how hard it is to deal with these situations but just remember if it wasn’t you having the conversation it would be someone else. It has nothing to do with you. These types of customers are a different breed altogether lol
@bigred78 Here is what I tell serial matted dog owners.

The matting is to extensive to brush out or use dematting tool. If you don’t believe me, feel free to get a second opinion. But I will not take your dog unless I have permission to shave them. If you want to leave, and manage to find a groomer to dematt your dog, in my professional opinion, you found someone that’s willing to abuse your dog for money.

I used to add that I’d they found someone to dematt the dog I’d pay for it, and no one ever took me up in it, but I’m not risking my money anymore.
@fig That’s sorta the point I was trying to get across to parent (“you’ve found someone willing to abuse your dog for $”) that if parent thinks she can get it out at home hopefully she’ll realize how time intensive, stressful and painful this will be for her pup, and if she wants to do it it’s her call and her dog but I will not be doing it. I needed to be more stern but I have another chance to do this in 6 weeks (joy..)
@fig This is perfect. I will always say I’m not going to abuse and torture your dog for a few inches of hair. It’s not why I am a groomer. If someone is willing to de-mat a dog in this situation,their either going to actually leave it matted or severely injured your dog physically mentally and emotionally.
I don’t pull punches anymore. I’m sick of it.
@bigred78 It sounds like you have a good boss that will stand behind your decisions! That’s golden, lean on that! Hopefully you are charging enough because if you continue to brush the matts and do a great job, this owner will request you. Make the owner sign something if you do ever have to shave the dog. Cover your butt.
@amethyst86purple I charged for a mini groom, added an extra charge for the brushing I did do, and on top of that charged an over 30 minutes of drying fee due to the sheer amount of coat we had to bathe and dry.
@lanternburning Aww thanks I just want to make my girl as healthy as possible and as easy as possible for our groomer and any future groomers (hopefully we will have ours for a long time but life changes so I try and have her prepared for when changes happen). Definitely not a unicorn as little girl doesn’t love having her paws handled but we will keep at it and trim a nail a day a tiny amount so she is used to it and knows it’s going to happen and to be chill about it! She is quirky and sassy but I let people know about her sass and quirks upfront lol so there are no surprises!
@bigred78 You have to think of it like this. Most of these owners feel entitled. They don’t take care of their animal the way they should and expect you to wave a magic wand and everything will be fine. Realistically brushing the dog out is going to be a miserable time for not only the animal but you as well. You have to advocate for what is best for the animal because that animal has no voice. If it were me the option would be we have to start over. That’s it. If the dog came back to the shop in the same shape guess what? It’s getting another shave down. If they don’t like it they can go somewhere else and be told the same thing by another groomer.

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