How to handle a rehoming?


New member
We have an almost 3 year old who while an amazing dog with humans just cannot settle in with (at least our) pack. We have a 8 year old F heeler and a 4 year old F Aussie. They were all cool until about 12 months ago and since then the younger heeler cannot stop picking fights. They may go months between fighting but its always her instigating.

We've worked with the vet, we've worked with a trainer, they're currently living separate lives in the same house and that isnt fair to anyone.

I guess trying to find a rescue in our area is the way to go? Anyone had this problem before?
@clementpulaski Ahh, I sympathize! It hurts to give up an animal, but it sounds like the right move for both of your dogs. Don't let anyone here make you feel bad about it.

The Australian Cattle Dog Rescue Association is a national organization with local chapters. They do adoptions, which are complicated, and rehomings, which are not (but you have to do the work). List your dog with them -- it may take a while, but a great new owner is going to take that dog for you. I got both of mine that way. Good luck!
@clementpulaski Please, please, please take the time to rehome her compassionately, with a good family and or a group who knows these dogs. I have had several females with females of other breeds. Not once have I had a female heeler go after another female first. And I have had a couple of high energy female “ wackodoo” Heelers.
From time to time there were discussions between the ladies but not anything violent. I wish you the very best and by your note I know you will do the right thing.