@miu4miu Mine is 11 mo and while sure technically it got better, I don’t feel I’m anywhere near “it gets better” territory. I started to believe this statement is not true and it’ll never get to be like it was with our two dogs who passed away. This dog has so much energy and I can’t imagine having to do this forever. I don’t have a life. House is a mess and I have to supervise him every waking moment. Today I took him for 4 walks and played ball several times and entertained him and watched him for the rest of the time. When will he forking chill a bit and leave me alone?
@miu4miu I very much appreciate this post. We have a 19 week old bernedoodle. While it’s certainly gotten better, I still have a mouthy land shark who doesn’t understand cuddling, and some days I feel like I’m failing. But you’re so right! I am doing everything I’m supposed to and it just takes time. Thank you ❤️
@miu4miu We have a 9 month old Border Lab, he is super active, he cannot sit at all without running around and knocking down things. A lot of times myself or girlfriend have been so angry that we wanted to surrender him. He is a little rascal but we love him a lot and his behaviour now is much better than what was 2 months ago. I think with time they calm down more and after neutering it’s a lot less trouble.
@miu4miu Puppies are veryyyy difficult but once they're older it really does change. My Jack Russell needed so much attention but he's miles less needy than he used to be... He used to be in play mode 24/7 but no it's only a couple of hours a day that he's rambunctious
@miu4miu You don’t know how much means to read this. I just adopted a 7 months puppy and the feeling of overwhelm and anxiety is big. I felt so down recently and not able to share this with people around as “I should be happy for that”. I’d love to connect with anyone in the same situation and share the “burden” :)
@sam4242 Hey there (I already feel like I am breathing easier knowing someone else is feeling the same as I am, although I am so sorry we both are going thru this!).

Bodhi is a four-month-old GSD - and ALL puppy. We scooped him up on October 14. My husband grew up with german shepherds, and this is our fourth together. He is doing well and grateful for sleeping thru the night (for now...) he was fussing last night, so I was up around 1.00 am to take him out. He is teething, and we are tore up - we have been redirecting like crazy people, which seems to help somewhat - we saw improvement for a couple of days but last night was rough - seems like right around 7-7.30 each evening he turns into a landshark! Been giving him a kong when we start seeing the behavior escalating, which helps - just sorting the timing is everything!

I love him, but there are times I feel like an imposter and long for our old life - we lost our last dog in July of 2021, and we were ready (or thought we were, lol) to love and take care of another pup. It has just been incredibly overwhelming and stressful. I think I have quietly cried nearly every day. We started a foundations class Saturday which was great and learned some tips on his reactivity to other dogs (which i think is him just wanting to play but some of the people we go by with their dogs give a pretty annoyed vibe which I get and I find myself apologizing all over the place). I feel like i have lost a bit of myself and working hard to find a "new normal" balance (i hope this makes sense). I also find myself overthinking and imagining "worst case scenarios" which isn't helping and trying to retrain my exhausted all consuming puppy brain to think positively.

Phew, if you have made it this far with my crazy all over the place thoughts, thank you!!

How are you doing today, and how is your pup?
@conservativepatriot Hey! I feel you so much, especially when you say you’re trying to find a new normal and overthink on tge worst case scenario.
I had waves of anxiety, especially late afternoon (my pup goes a bit crazy around 8pm too, didn’t know oit was a thing!)
But.. some positive notes:
- I feel that when I remove the worst case scenario approach things looksmuch more manageable which demonstrates it also 50% me overthinking and taking thingy too seriously
- speaking of which, I’ve found useful to have a more light and ironical approach to things. I cannot change all of the facts so I may have a laught and go over it
- think long term: this is just a phase. 7 months from now- which is like..this spring?- things will have slowed down, we will have found a new normal and we will have back a lifetime with our dog.
On Wednesday I’ll start a puppy training, especia to work on separation: I WFH and I cannot leave it alone for now, so very looking forward to have some freedom back.
Happy to keep you posted! Overall I feel much better, how is going on your side?
@sam4242 I think our chatting and my having a good cry yesterday afternoon have helped me feel better.

Last night went well; we timed the Kong right and avoided the complete all-out crazies (I didn't know either about what seems to be the bewitching hours for pups, omg, the first few nights we were laughing, but when the nipping & biting came into play, oh my lordage, lol!) I, too, work from home a few days a week (other days in office) - we are working on our routine, which is helping. From 9-10.30-11'ish is his downtime in crate after our morning adventures - he was a little bit of a terror ahead of going in this morning but once I got him calmed down a bit and played a little crate game with chicken cubes, he settled down pretty well ( (I think he gets a little bitey when tired so I am grateful he is resting now). We had a good walk early this morning, and some nice folks who had dogs were kind and willing to let them meet, so that was really good.

I really like your approach with laughing and thinking long-term! I am laughing and shaking my head at myself and these past four weeks as I type, whew, it's a journey! So glad about your class on Wednesday, I bet that will be great, and will look forward to hearing how it goes.

I think I hear the little love starting to bang around now so going to send a quick note to boss and get outside for a mid-morning adventure - hopefully we will beat the rain that is in the forecast!

Sending all good wishes for your day and evening ahead, friend, and we got this!
@conservativepatriot Hey! How are you doing?
I had my first training session and I already feel I have more tools to manage this. I feel it’s a matter of gainin knowledge, combined with some patience and things can become a lot more manageable.
For example I’ve learned some tricks on how to calm my puppy when is over excited and I’m eager to practice more. Not gonna lie, I still have moments where I question my choice but I try to focus on the positive and think that 6 months ish from now I’ll enjoy more of all the nice aspects and less of the tricky ones.
What about you?
@sam4242 Just seeing your message now! I honestly have been thinking about you, hoping things were going well. So glad to read you had a positive first training session! Things are going a bit better here, too; my anxiety and overthinking are slowly but surely improving (I am hoping I am not jinxing myself typing that!). Another small (feels big though) win is that it has been four days with no new nipping injuries on my hands or bruises on my calves (omg, you should have seen them - I was a hot mess!). The bewitching hour antics have been improving - I started redirecting with having him sit, stay, down, and anything else I can think of to keep his mind focused on not going after my hands, calves, or toes, lol! The holiday was hard - we live far away from family and friends, and not being able to just pick up and go had my heart hurting, but I know it will not be like this always. I hope today is a good day for you, and I am sending good wishes, peace, and strength!
@miu4miu Thank you for posting this! I really needed to see this as I have been so discouraged lately. Our pup is so much work and I have a lot of anxiety having kids in and out of the house. Plus I feel like she isn’t very cuddly anymore, which makes me so sad. She’s about 6 months….. really hoping this is all worth it!