@angouleme1 I highly recommend the Suiticle! It was a lifesaver with both of my girl kitties. Crating them for the first several days post-surgery in a crate big enough for a bed, litterbox, and food/water when not directly supervised also really helped. I'll never go back to cones after spay/neuter if I can help it.
@miu4miu Thank you so much. We are at 7 months and have just started fixating on random things and barking at nothing, recall has gone to pot. So much energy and no listening and feels like a million steps back. I want to savour what we have, I know we'll miss it, but right now it's hard!
@miu4miu As a breeder, I want to congratulate you for your patience and perseverance. You are correct, it does pay off. They are only puppies for a short period of time. Then life happens and as you hold them to cross the rainbow bridge you think “I would do anything to have these days back”. ❤️🐾❤️
@miu4miu Wonder if anyone would be interested in a Reddit group chat for supporting each other during puppy blues and adolescence struggles!
@miu4miu Is it our pup who learns or we just get used to their craziness and it becomes normal? 😅
I have a rescue who seems to have entered full blown adolescence on the 3 month mark when we got her. I had been waiting religiously for the 3-3-3 rule and was expecting a settled pup at 3 months. Right on the dot a little demon appeared instead and new problems she never had before started. People have told me to re-home her! But when she has a good day, everything vanishes 🥰
@teejay79 The 3-3-3 rule does not promise a settled pup... only that they have settled in enough to fully relax and be their true selves. Which is usually more wilding and being naughty than they did before :D
@miu4miu Yeah, I really feel this! When my dog was a year old. I was constantly thinking “IDK how I’m going to be able to live like this!” She’s a few days short of two now and I’m like “OMG, what would I do without her!”

My pup was a late bloomer too. She was WORK until she was like 1.5. But now she is the chillest, sweetest dog.