I’m rehoming my puppy, I can’t stop crying I am devastated

@unbakedpegga It’s a tough choice but one that we understand. I have health issues and cats that don’t get along with my dog (big dog wants to play and chase) . Have the house blocked off with gates etc and it sucks. If I’d known what it would be like, I wouldn’t have gotten a puppy at all.
@unbakedpegga I’m so sorry OP. You are doing the right thing for the puppy, your cats and yourself. There is no shame in rehoming a pet if you can’t give it what it needs or if you are struggling. It is a brave decision to make.
@unbakedpegga It’s okay to acknowledge that you two weren’t a good fit for each other. I know it must feel awful, but recognize that what you are doing is in the best interest of the pup as well as for you and the cats.
@unbakedpegga You are not the worst person ever. It wasn't the right time. It is FAR better to acknowledge that and get the puppy in a better situation now than it is to make everyone miserable in a non-ideal situation just because of social pressure to stick it out. I work in vet medicine, I've talked dozens of owners through rehomes like this. It is almost always in the dog's best interest in the end.
@unbakedpegga This is honestly the best decision esp with a senior cat and puppy with prey drive. You can always keep them separated but you need a big space to do that. Ultimately not preferred ofc but yeah
@unbakedpegga This is so hard. While you can modify behavior, you can't truly train out prey drive and it will be much safer for your kitties. You are doing the right thing, and your cats will thank you for it.

I'm so sorry. Your dog isn't a bad dog and you are not a bad dog guardian. Sometimes animals just have different needs and they just don't mesh with each other and you have to do the right thing for the other animals in your care. I really commend you for that.

Do you have a home/safe rescue situation lined up for him?
Also what is your pup's breed? Sometimes knowing helps in placing them where they will truly thrive (for example, high energy dog breeds with adopters who hike or run all the time) --- and it can be so relieving to stay in touch with adopters to see proof you made the right choice when you see your pup thrive. You clearly love your pup so I know you'll make sure he's ok.
@unbakedpegga Op I could’ve written this post myself - apart from the cats. The shame and sadness is off the charts. I can’t stop crying but I also know deep down it’s the right thing to do. Don’t have anything really useful to add but I just wanted you to know you are not the only one going through this. Try to give yourself grace and take comfort in knowing that you are doing the right thing both for your puppy and yourself xxx
@unbakedpegga Think of your cats. This puppy isn't right for you home. There will always be another puppy. But your cats will be at risk when then this puppy grows up.

I wouldn't chance it. I know it's hard but think about he'll be going to a home where he (hopefully) won't harm another animal.
@unbakedpegga Respecting the pets you already have is very important, and I'm glad you took them so closely into consideration. Too often I see people get a dog after they already have cats and just let the dog terrorise them. The best thing when already owning cats is to adopt instead of shop, as rescues can usually warn you if the dog has or has not been exposed to cats before.
@unbakedpegga You’re in a tough spot but you’re making the right decision. Keep the puppy and your cats will be unhappy, which will make you unhappy. Eventually the dog will pick up on it and likely he unhappy as well. Rehome him and your cats will be happy, and he’ll find a family and be happy. You won’t be happy at first but eventually you’ll realize you made the best decision for all
@unbakedpegga Please stop beating yourself up. You are rehoming him because you love him and have recognised that, at this moment in time you can’t give him what HE needs. You aren’t in a position to look after him the way he needs and there is nothing to feel shame over.

You have probably done some research on his next family and you are moving him from one loving home to another.

It sounds like you’ve done the right thing for all of you. If you are in UK why not try BorrowMyDoggy and look after dogs whilst their owners work or something
@unbakedpegga You're doing the right thing! I got my dog from a woman who thought she wanted a dog. She'd adopted him at 8 months old and he was an absolute terror to her cats and godawful on a leash. She couldn't walk him and he was causing absolute chaos in her house.

I got him from her at 9 months old at a point in my life when I had nothing but time to spend on an older puppy with baggage. He's been my best pal through it all for the last eight years.
@gmfdf Our shepherd/husky was like this! I was devastated when we brought him home because it was so much more menacing than we were used to. We brought a behaviourist into our home to observe and she basically laughed at us (in the nicest, most sincere, "bless your heart" way possible 😂) and told us things would be fine once he matures a bit. Spoiler: things were most definitely fine once he matured a bit. He's the sweetest little demon we know.