I’m rehoming my puppy, I can’t stop crying I am devastated

@gmfdf Oh, I have heard and felt them from my 3 month old doxie lol. I know he doesn’t mean it, and he thinks we’re playing but damn does it hurt! If anyone has any tips on the biting stage that would be appreciated 😩
@unbakedpegga its sounds like it'll be much better this way. your cat can live out the rest of his life in peace and hopefully puppy's new owner will be able to train him adequately and provide a happy home. my bf has a 1 year old pit/lab puppy, and while i love him, hes huge and absolutely crazy. be being physically disabled, if anything happened to my bf i know i wouldn't be able to keep him for both our safety and sanity. dog training cant be completed as fast as most people think, and they're still puppies the first few years while being full grown size wise. most dont calm down and mature till 2-3. sounds like you wouldn't be able to hold on that long, justifiably. there are many older more docile dogs in the shelters, waiting on a loving home if you want to try again one day! puppies really aren't a good idea for ANYONE unless you're home all day with no other pets, and can afford a pro trainer.
@unbakedpegga Don’t feel bad, you are absolutely doing the best thing for everyone — you and the pup.

The worst thing is having a dog in an environment that’s not suited to them. And the worst thing for you, is experience the chronic stress and overstimulation you must be going through.

This is a win-win, all around in my book. You are being very contentiousness to the pup’s needs AND your own, which is super important.

Thank you for placing your peace of mind and the health and happiness of the pup at the top of the list. It will be heartbreaking at first, I’m sure, but please allow yourself to relish in your newly regained freedom and don’t beat yourself up too much over this. ❤️
@unbakedpegga I’m so sorry and wish the best for you and your cats. your puppy will be okay and you’re making the right decision. My dog was a puppy rehoming and we got her at 5 months old! She transitioned quickly and I’m thankful for her everyday. I’m sure your puppy will bring another family the joy they needed!
@unbakedpegga You are definitely doing the right thing. I witnessed a couple of loose dogs in the neighborhood rip apart a cat walking across my backyard. I heard the most awful growling, snarling and screaming, ran to my back porch, and witnessed a sight that still makes me sick to think about. I wouldn’t worry about a dog that bites me and is aggressive missing me. He will be fine with whoever feeds him, and you aren’t obligated to put up with that behavior. You are absolutely doing the right thing, by getting rid of the dog, and protecting your cat and yourself!