How do I know my dog isn’t a little shit during grooming?


New member
Thought I’d ask the professionals their advice on how I can know the groomers aren’t just being polite when I ask if my dog was well behaved during his appointment?

I’ve gone to a few different grooming places over the last 1.5 years (about every 2-3 months) and I always ask about my King Charles cavaliers (nearly 2 years old) behaviour so I can know what I have to work on or not up until the next appointment. Every time I’ve asked I get an oh he was perfectly fine, no issues.

The challenge I have is that when it comes to non-grooming behaviour he’s super cheeky and can be a little shit at home with me, but when we’re out and with others he’s so well behaved and goes looking for other people being on his best behaviour, it’s like a split personality.

When it comes to his behaviour during my poor attempts (lack of practice but am trying) grooming at home, he’s a little shit and goes to bite me (not aggressively, just like a leave me alone bite each time). We’ve made some progress with him volunteering his paw for one round of 15 second clips but any more than that and he’s off to bitey land again.

What I don’t know is if he’s actually got his split personality going on at the groomers and actually is well behaved with them and just doesn’t like me bothering him at home, or if he’s trying to stop them as well and they’re just being polite with me when I ask while picking him up. I’d rather know than not know so I can try and train, and have said as much to the groomers but the answers have been all positive so far. I want to take the groomers at their word, but he’s so bad with me at home when the scissors come out so it makes me suspicious lol.

Would it be really weird if I stayed and watched next time I drop him off, would it be too distracting for the groomer, thought I’d ask here and get a sense before being super weird in person.

Would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.
@burialchoice Groomer of 15ish years here, catering to spicy pooches.

In my experience, when in a different or unfamiliar place, puppers tend to be a bit more reserved than they are at home in their comfort zones.

Professionals have different expectations, have different thresholds, and hold themselves differently than mum and dad after all. They are used to spiciness on a regular from multiple four-legged clients a day. (Sometimes, two-legged ones as well! )
@jumpz Groomers also have a natural handling confidence because they do it every day, and I think a lot of dogs pick up on this. I can't count how many owners say "he tries to bite me when I do (thing)" and it turns out they're using 3 people and either pinning the dog down, waving treats or toys in their faces to "distract" them and are making a huge deal over doing whatever it is needs done. For the most part, groomers just get in there and get it done with confidence and it puts a lot of dogs at ease. JMO.
@jumpz Also, certain dogs get one firm no biting and never try to bite again. Lol. I had a perfect Shih Tzu, he tried to bite one time. I said No biting. Firmly. He didn't try again and was great for the whole thing. The owner came and asked how he was I said he was great. He was like "he didn't try to bite you? He tries to bite us". I was like one time but I was firm with him and he didn't try again. Lol. Alot of times, owners will back off or leave the dog alone when it gives little nips or bites. Which reinforces to the dog that it should behave that way if it wants to be left alone. As a groomer, we often have to keep going and don't just stop after one snap, so the dogs naturally simmer down and relax more with us then with the owners. I do several dogs that are complete angels which apparently bite their owners all the time.
@burialchoice If it's of any help, every Cavalier I've groomed has been a good natured blob. Like, in 5 years I've had zero try to bite me, even if they're weenies with their family at home. Most of the time their only shortcoming is being lazy or anxiously barking after the service.

Dogs often behave better with a groomer than with their family. My mother in law's Havanese, for example, won't let them brush at home, but when I have him on the table he's fine. Experienced dog groomers have a high tolerance for dogs moving or resisting the service and are able to identify triggers and adapt their methods to keep the dog manageable. It's possible that even if your dog is difficult for the service, he's not abnormally difficult, y'know?

I would suggest that instead of staying to watch the groom, because it can put pressure on the groomer, excite the dog (self fulfilling prophecy lol), or contravene insurance policies, ask for a little video of him while they're doing a part of the groom that you might struggle with. "Can I see a video of him when you trim his feet? He's insane with me at home and I just don't know how you do it!"
@mccra76 Omg they are good natured little blobs 🤣 I love them.

I always tell owners they are like kids and sometimes act up more for the parents. Then I recommend they get a table with a loop. I've been told it helps immensely. The floor is dog domain... It's playtime down there. Try doing dogs on the floor?? It ain't easy lol
@mccra76 Good natured blob seems like an accurate description. He definitely behaves this way out in public. He is lazy though. I’ll think about the video but asking for that on top of grooming seems difficult, the explanations here make sense so I’ll take them at their word.
@burialchoice The only issue I ever have with cavaliers is they have a magnet in their ass and won’t stand up lol

If the groomer says they’re no problem, it’s probably true.
@preng So accurate. They slam their booties down every time. 😂 And you would never get mad because just looking at their face takes any frustrations away... 🥹
@preng He definitely has a magnet in his ass and it has been stuck to my chest and face multiple times lol. I actually trained him on stand and up because of it but there’s some days where he’s just glued to that floor and won’t budge.
@burialchoice Dogs act very different with us than with their people. I work in a facility that also does boarding and daycare, and frequently the dogs who are terrors downstairs are angels in the groom room. If you've asked, the groomer really has no reason to lie. And I've never met a cav who was naughty for grooming.
@burialchoice Im a groomer here, one of my favorite little shih Tzu is the most adorable little thing, but when I tell her mom she s perfect, she doesnt believe me....

Dog will get away with attitude with their owner... They might not all act like this at the groomers...


Say hi to your cavalier! I love them
@besorlah Aren't cavs the best?? I think I have groomed ONE slightly naughty one who spun in circles for nails but I mean come on. Easy peasy compared to nippers.

We only get a few here and there out in the mountains but when I see them on my schedule I always get excited no matter how gross they get. Picture a cavalier farm dog... Precious 😭
@hache I so want one but the health issues are terrible and I cant afford that much vet 😂... Besides... It would be sad to see him sick.

I have a request, he is the cutest, was even more adorable as a puppy, but now he is overweight, i can tell. Cant really tell the owners "hey! Your dog is fat" 😢
@besorlah Yeah that’s totally fair. I grew up with them so they’re my favourite because of the nature/temperament.

We weren’t sure where he would land weight wise because he’s real stocky and had massive paws as a puppy (so much so that someone thought he was a Bernese mountain puppy the other week lmao). He’s ended up on larger end of average for CKCS weight so he can definitely stand to lose about half to one kg but vet says all good as long as he stays under 10kg. I keep a close eye because my family’s other ones have been on a diet for years with some but minimal results, it’s easier to prevent weight gain than lose it. He’s actually a pretty big boy and the floof adds to it lol.

Anyway, maybe I’m unusual but I would totally appreciate my groomer giving me a heads up that he’s put on more weight than he probably should have since the last visit.
@burialchoice I kind of said to the dog at check in "wow, you ve gotten big" bit the time before he was still a puppy so i dont think they got the hint.
.... maybe i should struggle picking him up next time😂

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