Help w sleeping through the night?

@gandalfsbigpants For us the problem was not holding his pee, it was sleeping through the night without wanting to get out. Is yours a good sleeper? What is his bed like?

From 5 months he didn't want to be in his crate anymore so we took him in our bed. Slept through the nights since, 9+ hours from then at least. Now since he was 1,5 he is sleeping solid in his own bed.
@jett4mom His bed is his crate w the door open (theres a bed in the crate w a blanket, a chew and a cover so its dark) and he alternates between crate / under the sheets against our legs / foot of the bed - when he goes pee outside during night he'll run straight back in to our room ahead of my partner and get warm under the sheets against my leg and go straight back to sleep while he locks back up and re-sets the alarm etc

He seems to be a good sleeper - he snores when he's in a deep sleep which is quite frequent!
@gandalfsbigpants I really suggest crate training. We got our kaninchen dachshund when she was 4 months old. On second or third day when she was left alone for an hour or so (after being walked) she promptly peed on our mattress - we kept it straight on the floor, and there was no way of keeping her from climbing on it. On that very same day we got her a crate and that was the last day she peed at home.

I currently have a ~2,5 month rough collie puppy. Since we already had really good experience with crate training and because her breeder also strongly suggested it, we also got her a crate. During the day we walk her every 2-3 hours, since she is a really smol pup, but at night she magically sleeps for 6-7 hours in her crate (we slightly limit water in the evening) and never soils herself. Crate training really helps with house-breaking.. By the way, even when grown-up, my doxie used to spend most of her time in her crate, which was always left with its door open. It was her safe place. God, I miss her.. :(
Best luck with your boi
@lifeline Hey thanks so much for your comment! We do have a crate for him which he sleeps in during the day fine and goes in and out of it w his toys etc as well, he's never been able to sleep in it at night though and goes insane w the door closed unless we're in the car - did you just close the door and let her bark it out or how did ye approach it? Sorry for the loss of your girlie 💜💜
@gandalfsbigpants At this point i don't really remember our exact strategy at night - it was 14 years ago.. We got the crate first of all to keep her from roaming around the apartment when left alone (and it also helped massively with preventing chewing - no destroyed cables, shoes, or furniture. Somehow crate training went really easy with her - no barking or whining.. I know for sure that at night she slept in bed with us, like all true doxies should :)

With my current pup, yes, we put her in the crate for the night (and for 1-2 hours during the day if i need to leave, since normally i work from home) - on the first night she whined quite a bit. we keep the crate in the living room, so she must have felt lonely. I went to sit next to her until she fell asleep, and that was it. We've had the crate for a week, and now she does not mind it, just goes to sleep right away

Later i do not plan to keep her crated during the night, it's only until she's fully housebroken