HELP my 9 month old puppy likes to bring poop inside the house 🤢


New member
He's finally toilet trained (had no accidents since he was 7 months) but had developed corpophagia and brings his poop inside the house! I go outside to pick up his poop in the morning and after my shift, so we do try to clean it up whenever we can.

He likes to bring stuff from outside in, e.g crickets, leaves, mulch and unfortunately his poop.

I've been trying to add some supplements to his food to make his poop taste bad but nothing seems to help so I'm at a loss 😢
@teeners You need to watch him while he goes to the bathroom and pick it up soon as he goes. Feed him at the same time every day and find out his bathroom schedule.

Lots of dogs eat poop for no reason but some there is a root cause. Is he bringing these things in from outside to play with or to eat?
@teeners The best way to stop corpophagia is to eliminate any opportunities. It is much much harder to stop a habit that has already developed, so you really want to focus on not letting it happen in the first place. Those anti poop eating tablet and supplements are useless for a lot of dogs.

Have him leashed and supervise him when he is outside. Don't let him go near poop.

Cleanup any of his poop immediately.
@teeners I have a strict door trade policy lol. This is for toys, but it might work for poop…instead of just letting your dog inside, you make a stop station outside the door. In a weather proof bucket you place things the dog likes that won’t spoil, favorite types of indoor toys, bones, chew activities…might I suggest some breath freshener treats for this particular problem. You create a trade system where when they try to bring a toy (or poop) inside they have to drop it and get an appropriate inside toy/treat. My house rules are inside toys stay inside and outside toys stay outside…the trade bucket can help for the times you’ve missed a poop pile, and it creates nice door manners because you ask for a sit every single time, and a drop it when you discover they have stuff on their mouth.
@teeners I’m no use to you, I have the opposite problem, my dog takes everything outside, which means a treasure hunt before mowing, every time!
@teeners I second immediate clean up. What really helped my dog stop eating his poop is adding a scoop of canned puréed pumpkin to his kibble! Good for their digestion and makes their poop not palatable for some reason

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