Please help… our 5 month old puppy hates being in his kennel when we are out of sight. We are at our wits’ end

@curiouschristian82 Did you just start putting him in there and leaving? You have to crate TRAIN him. Make him go in the crate, sit in the crate, give a treat. After he gets a good relationship w the crate start shutting the door for a few minutes and then give a treat. After he gets the hang of that put him in the crate while you do something in the room and reward him. Long and longer. Walk out of the room come back in and reward him. You get the point.
@curiouschristian82 So
  1. If he naps during the day - let him nap in his crate. This will get him more accustomed to being in there. But leave it so he can see you
  2. That seems like too large of a crate for a puppy. Does it have a divider? If its too big, and he has room to walk around - he has room to per and poo without worrying about laying in it.
  3. How long is he staying in the crate?
@curiouschristian82 Some dogs don’t like crates. My dogs hated them and it was basically traumatizing them. I just stopped trying to use them and the dogs adapted just fine. They have access to the whole place and rarely ever cause any issues.
@curiouschristian82 Train him instead of locking him in a cage. This is only for extreme circumstances not every day. If there’s more context to provide on why he’s being crated that would be helpful.

Also, don’t go to a breeder unless you need a specific breed for a job. There’s no point, you waste money and they’re more likely to have health and behavioral issues.
@curiouschristian82 Try adding a light sheet to cover the kennel when you leave. Also there are snuggle buddies that mimic a heartbeat that work wonders as well. The Kong with peanut butter or yogurt/pumpkin are also great ideas. Depending on where you live doggy daycare 1 or 2x a week might be a good idea. Leaving a tv or radio on for noise also helps. I also have a Furbo treat camera that I use to look in on my dogs while I'm gone. I don't talk to them through it but I can sneak peeks.

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