Help! 4 1/2 month old puppy


New member
We adopted a 4 1/2 month old puppy last Friday. His foster said that he was potty trained but he’s had accidents in the house almost every single day, at least once or twice. We take him out at least once every hour, almost always more. He has a crate that he sleeps in every night and goes in when he is in “time out”. Sometimes he is yelled at (not by me, I am against it) after having accidents but I am trying to stop that since I know it is not truly effective.

We have a big older dog that drinks a lot of water, so whenever he drinks the puppy drinks. I just read that it’s not recommended to limit puppy’s access to water. Are there any specific tricks that people have had success with? I’ve read through a dozen websites but they all say the same vague “pointers”.

I will take any and all advice to help stop this issue! We’ve read about enzyme cleaners to use after indoor accidents, so we will be purchasing one ASAP. We have puppy pads down but he does not use them. He is very well acclimated to our home otherwise, eats good meals, gets along well with older dog, (mostly) listens to us…

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