Had to have my 20yr old dog put down today.

@theunissa Oh my so sorry for your loss,it will be 1 month tomorrow I had to say goodbye to Cherokee who was a Cocker Spaniel 4 months shy of reaching 17 yrs old.I feel your pain I look at both of my dogs pictures now to help me through..Apachee was 15 1/2 Cocker Spaniel also he'll be gone 2yrs come October 26th.They were Mates she had 4 of his pups. So now I look at pictures of the many years I had them.Its been hard so 20yrs of love says a lot Take care of your self
@theunissa So sorry for your loss. 20 years is really incredible. He must have been very loved. I lost my pug of almost 18 years back in May. I was away on vacation when I got the call that she’d passed away in her sleep. I didn’t get to say goodbye. I had dreaded the thought of her passing for years but even in my worst nightmare I was always there. It’s a really gutting feeling to lose that moment. It’s a struggle but I hope you can find some comfort ❤️

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