Getting a puppy was WAY more work than I could have ever imagined

@randolphwallace Wanted to add that it’s okay if potty training doesn’t go that quick either. There’s people saying a few weeks to a month should be all you need but honestly puppies have enough physical differences from one-another to make it a crapshoot.

We’re at 4.5 months here and just starting to see the possibility of getting this tiny doofus trained. The only reason we can go a day or two without accidents is vigilance and knowing his habits. He has signaled to go out only to our neighbors when they watched him for a few days. Never once has he asked us to take him out. Pees on command and holds it overnight but is otherwise not overly concerned with getting outside yet. Even though he knows enough to look at me for a treat when he does pee outside. Rude boy.

We’ll get there. At least he’s only 7 lbs so the puddles are tiny...
@ghofer For sure. Take it easy on yourself, and if there are friends or family that can help you (aka sleep over or take your puppy for a night or even an afternoon) DO IT. My family helped keep me from turning my pup into a nice fur hat.
@ghofer My first puppy was potty trained by 9 weeks, he couldn’t hold it all night but still knew where to potty. He knew all of his tricks, didn’t chew up anything bad and was such a perfect puppy. My next puppy was pretty similar and at this point, I thought I was a puppy wizard.

Then my next two puppies Venus and Serena tore my world apart. Still had accidents at the 10+ months, and at 1.5 years, one is still chewing things she isn’t supposed to. They’re lucky that they are the sweetest puppies I’ve ever met and love me so unconditionally, that I can’t help returning it.

Every one of these little monsters have their own personalities. Sometimes people get lucky and sometimes they don’t.
@mauricio512 Haha I can relate to that. I’ve raised dogs all my life, and each puppy throws his or her own personal curveballs. Just when you think you’re the puppy wiz, some little fuzzball is like “oh really? Well watch this!” 🤣 just like people who have had a lot of kids I think
@1daysoon What’s funny is my puppies are litter mates and I have their parents, so I’ve literally raised them since the moment they were born.

They’re 1.5 now but that said, one is still an absolute chewing monster but potty trained herself around 5-6 months. The other had issues with potty training up until a year but now is the perfect dog. Both are slightly human reactive, despite having had a perfect life. But it’s also breed standard for them to be wary.
@mauricio512 What kind of puppies?? I’m on my first full Rottie right now after wanting one my whole life (my first dog was a GSD/rott as a teen) he turns 5 months next week and he’s an amazing, wonderful handful just like I knew he would be. They always say Rotts are stubborn, and boy he definitely has the streak starting to show! I saw that in my other dog too. But I have a little pug/chi rescue who is the most reactive dog I’ve ever had. To humans, dogs, everything... last dog before these was a Dogo Argentino who reacted to nothing. Zip. Just loved to sit nicely and receive pettings from old ladies.
They’re all just so different, little people in furry pajamas!
@ghofer Our 10 week old puppy is also not very food motivated and training sessions are SO frustrating. She’s so distractable even when there’s nothing in the room for her to play with. We’ve only had her a week and a half so I’m hoping it just gets easier as she settles in. We also start puppy kindergarten in a few weeks which should also help (fingers crossed).
@jacob1234 Great job sticking with it! Dogs give us unconditional love their entire lives. You’ll make wonderful memories. I’m where you are now with our 8 week old Chow Chow. I have the scratches to prove it - but I wouldn’t trade her for anything!

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