F**k the general public :)


New member
Okay, so the last few days I've been getting super annoyed at strangers. Yes, I know I have a cute puppy. I get it. But, I'm also trying to train her to not lunge at every person that passes us. You're not complaining now, but you sure will be when she's over a third of your body weight.

Last night, I was getting some treats out of my pocket, and this woman called my dog over, making cutesy noises and stuff and obviously, being a super excited pup, she nearly pulled me into the road I was fuming. I didn't say anything though because I'm way too British for that, but...why would you do that?? Like you can see I'm trying to do something, my dog is fine and under control like why do you feel the need to do that? She then precedes to tell me that she's got dogs at home then surely she should know better!? Like fuck that lady in particular.

Then on this morning's walk, I was so happy with my baby. She was being perfect, all walk she hadn't jumped up anyone, hadn't tried to pull me into the road, she'd been good as gold. We came up to a shop we know, they sell dog treats and stuff so we go there now and then. Not every time we pass but enough that she wants to look in. The shopkeeper was outside having a cigarette. Dog decides she wants to investigate an over-flowing bin at the side of the road. Obviously being a responsible owner I'm absolutely not letting her do that. Either way, she's pulling a lot. The shopkeeper is watching us. She then waves over at me and tries hand singling some unsolicited advice, which has the effect of winding up the pup even more, like thanks.

I just ignore her and try to get my dog across the road. She's still pulling and generally being a danm maniac when this other lady comes up IN THE ROAD and starts fussing her. I'd absolutely hit my limit. I said to this woman "I'm sorry but that's really not helpful right now." and she looked embarrassed and left. The shopkeeper had now finished her cigarette and was still watching us, trying to motion something at me again, again distracting my dog to the extent she tried to run across the busy road we had just crossed. Like seriously just go away. I know how to walk a dog, I've been doing this 10 f**ing years. (pup is currently 5 months old, but I've had dogs a while this ain't my first rodeo)

I'm probably not going to use that shop anymore because that lady is getting on my nerves. Giving training advice that's at least 20 years out of date and constantly asking why I'm, not raw feeding my dog (because I don't want to and she's my dog!) I'm kinda done with it. I'll just send my partner because he's got way more patience for her than I do.

Its getting to the point where I'm not enjoying walking my girl at the moment because I can't just walk her. People constantly stop us in the road to fuss her which is making the lunging worse and I'm trying so hard to train her not to do it. But apparently I'm a bitch when I ask people not to touch her. If its not that its unsolicited advice when I'm training her in the park or on walks or whatever. "oh just....iT wOrKeD fOr mE" like no, Barbra I'm not choking my dog, thanks for the input.

I'm not going to lie, I'm not a hugely social person. I have literally no desire to talk to every single person in the neighbourhood about how small my pup is, or listen to everyone's frankly awful training tips. If I want help, I'll ask a professional. That's kind of why we go to puppy class. I love my dog so so much but at times like this I wish I'd have got a more aggressive looking breed than a labrador. I just don't understand why people can't leave us alone when they can clearly see we're in training. Or why they think its acceptable to just strike up a full and super awkward conversation with a stranger just because they have a puppy. Like please just leave me alone. Please leave my dog alone. Please respect it when I tell you "no". I'm not doing it to be rude, I'm doing it to make training easier and more successful for my dog, to give her the best life I can, and no that doesn't involve you right now.

If you've read all of this, thank you. If you guys have any tips for keeping people away other than being rude to them, I'd love to hear them!
@tteague81 My dog jumps when she’s excited. My own friends will pet her and oohhh and ahhh when she jumps on them. And when I tell them we are actually working on that and she needs to sit they’ll say “but she’s soooo cute”

She is cute. She is even cuter with her bum planted on the ground. Her jumping is not cute. You are undoing the work I am putting in.
@imagebeastmarkbeast This. so. much. Most of my friends have little dogs, that can't really jump lol. Okay cool let them jump to your knees. But do not encourage my 40lb pup to jump and then try to teach her to DANCE with you...

Luckily in my apt complex dog park, we all respect the pup parent rules and we all discourage the jumping, because we all know how exhausting it is...
@imagebeastmarkbeast Ugh. Yep. So... my partner an I currently live in the same (very large) house as his father and brother. My partner and our pup live on the upper floor of the house. Every. Single. Time that I try to bring my puppy down to go outside, they get him all worked up, even when it should be very clear that I'm trying to keep him calm. They encourage him to jump, let him nip/bite, and will even sometimes take him right from my arms!! Ugh I could go on and on about their obnoxious behavior, but I won't bore you guys. Luckily my pup is becoming a very well trained boy, it's still frustrating. People just don't know how to act around puppies.
@tteague81 TOTALLY RELATE TO ALL OF THIS. i had a golden previously and people always thought it was okay to approach us.

have you considered getting her one of those "IN TRAINING - NO PETTING" neon vests? i'm sure it might not ward off everyone but it might help keep a few away without you needing to start a dialogue with a stranger because they think it's okay to get in your personal space without asking.

i have a very vivid memory of sitting on bench on the phone, with my dog sitting next to me. some lady and her kid come up to us, ask to pet her, i say "no thank you, she's not great with kids." they walk away. they CIRCLE BACK AGAIN and the kid starts getting in my dogs face and is met with some warning growls."HE JUST WANTS TO PET HER!" i hold my hand out on to the toddler's chest to keep the kid AWAY from us because he's pushing forward. i say "i'm on the phone, do you mind? this is how children get bit." she mumbles some shit under her breath, grabs her kid and walks away.

i have just come to terms with the fact that most people are idiots and do not think, ever.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I have a Coton de Tuléar, who is in training to be a service dog. She wears a red vest that says, "Service," "In Training," and "DO NOT TOUCH."

I recently bought a vibrant red vest for myself that also says the same things.

I seriously hate taking her anywhere due to the amount of people that just walk up and pet her, most of the time intentionally waiting until I'm distracted for half a second.

You can try a vest, but for me, it does absolutely nothing.

I've also been reading through the service dog Reddit and got some advice from them. Positioning, specific commands, and doing things to thwart idiots, like loudly saying, "LEAVE IT" toward humans, and putting my hand in the way or touching the petter.

Edit: Maybe no "absolutely nothing," but she gets touched by at least one person every single time we go out. It's so hard to be a generally friendly human being when I have to encounter this every single day.
@josephtheprotector God, this is frustrating. Know it's definitely not the solution and is ridiculous, but god it would be tempting to get a vest that says "I will bite you, don't even think about it".

I say this having a dog that wants to meet everyone, and is cute enough that people will actually come out of their house to meet her.
@pbaker I feel like police dogs could at least get away with growling at people who get too close, but if a service dog did it... Hoo boy.

Service dogs are taxable as medical equipment. Imagine if someone's wheelchair was touched randomly and they had to put warning stickers on it (may pinch fingers, etc.)
@doesntaddup Sorry you had to resort to that. My friend is wheelchair bound and the sheer bloody rudeness of some people is astounding! Disneyland, of all places, was a real eye opener. It’s like he isn’t even human! Fuck those people. My friend doesn’t need me to be mad on his behalf, but I can’t help but feel it. :(