Durable toy for extremely aggressive chewer?

@blackzeppelin I found out by accident that mine LOVE ice. We had a tub of water for them but it froze solid. About 1 inch or more thick circle the size of a pizza. They had so much fun with it. So then I tried these big moulds to see and they loved them. I'm going to try freezing one with a little chicken broth and I bet they will go ape. Maybe yours might enjoy it. 😋
@blackzeppelin Chewy has them! They also have marrow bones. I also live in the country and chewy has been my best friend. We have 4 dogs. 2 giant and 2 small. One of the small ones we call "the destroyer" because he will annihilate his toys- so he's my tester. US Bones and Chews made in be USA. I'll see if I can find a link. It's hit and miss with amazon but I did find ONE toy they didn't demolish: Dogs Squeaky Toys for Aggressive Chewers Medium and Large Breed Tough Strong Indestructible Dog Chew Toy Heavy Duty Teeth Cleaning Interactive Fetching Tug of War Rubber Pets Birthday https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FQY2JG...t_i_ASXH15NJJ25SZVD8QVTX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1