Dog Put Down Treats


New member
We have three dogs all rescues, two are older M(10?), F(7/9?) and one is younger M(3). The female Stella, puts her treats down in front of her or in her bed and lays down when we give them to her. They can be high value treats or regular treats. She eventually eats them - sometimes a few minutes will go by, sometimes longer.
Does anyone have an idea why she may be doing this?
@karliah She may just not want it at that time so she puts it down until she’s ready for a snack. My dog (m3) does this too. He is the only dog in the house sometimes I’ll give him a treat and he will eat it but other times he lays it on my bed until he’s ready to eat it later.
@prettyxdee That very well could be it - she started doing it a few months ago.
It’s an issue because the other dog tries to snag it from her. We are working with him on leaving her alone in general

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