Dog doesn’t play with other dogs?


New member
I have a 5 year old pom who tolerates other dogs but doesn’t know or isn’t interested in playing with other dogs even though they’re trying to play with him. Why is that?

Edit: he’s not in any pain all of his issues are addressed I guess he just doesn’t like other dogs lol
@sunyi My dog is extremely picky about which dogs she will play with, and dogs are always trying to initiate with her. She’s just a wuss and gets scared easily. She’d much rather just run on her own, roll around in the grass, and meet humans.

If every other dog in the world got raptured and she was left with all the humans to herself…my dog would be delighted. Wouldn’t suffer one bit without any other dogs to interact with 😅
@johannask Eh, no reason to feel bad if it's not his thing. For example, my whole family passionately loves football but I have 0 interest in it. I don't feel like I'm missing out and have no secret desire to enjoy it, in fact I might become angry if they try to force me to be involved in it when I have repeatedly told them I dislike it! Not all dogs want to be dog social and that's totally okay. :)
@johannask It’s like feeling bad for someone who’s afraid of heights that they’ll never bungee jump. It would not be a good experience for them.

Some dogs just like to coexist or be no where near other dogs and THAT is their joyful experience that you feel like they’re missing.

Respecting his lack of joy in socializing is the most amazing thing you can do for him and he will love you for it
@messi Exactly and also you don't know, like people sometimes their preferences change over time or if they meet the right dog. We adopted my dog when he was 7-8, he had no idea how to interact with dogs he met, it took him a while but now he's got it and I learned he likes to hang out with chill dogs, high energy crazy jumping dogs? Not for him and that's perfectly fine. He likes to be THE chaos in the yard. Lol. So I'd say don't force it, I'll say most dogs do enjoy a nice walk and that's a way to get them to see dogs around and that may be enough for them.
@arkman888 Exactly, and some dogs just like to co-exist in the same space but not interact. I find a lot of smaller dogs want to be there with the others but not be bothered or touched lol
@johannask If it’s fear or anxiety around other dogs, then that can be worked on. It’s not a happy place. But some dogs are just meh towards other dogs and perfectly happy entertaining themselves or playing with their “pack” of humans.

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