Dog ate paper muffin wrapper 1.5 days ago, seems fine but hasn’t passed it


New member
Advice needed- our 20 pound Westie ate a banana nut muffin wrapper Sunday morning (1.5 days ago). We have been monitoring her and she’s her normal self. She pooped yesterday evening and this morning and both were normal. Her appetite has been good.

Overnight she did throw up a little in her crate which she does from time to time (tends to randomly eat things on our back patio) and she did not poop yet this evening.

Is she ok if it doesn’t pass? Is it possible it is dissolving? It was just a standard paper wrapper on the muffin. We are supposed to travel for thanksgiving tomorrow and she is supposed to be at her daycare place for the week. Not sure of what to do here.
@phelven I’d imagine it’s probably fine. Most dogs of that size will pass their contents within a day or two so it’s probably out by now. Paper is also fairly digestible so you might not even notice it in her poop. Always call the vet if you’re not sure though