Help! My dog ate a whole bag of cheese

@omnifam My lab (I miss you Zoe Bear) used to eat christmas ornaments when she was a puppy. She ate my first iPod nano. She ate landline telephones. She ate copious amounts of shoes and drywall.

Labs have stomachs of steel.. I think your pup will be ok ❤️ but very gassy!
@omnifam I had a golden retriever that ate a 2'x1' sheet of aluminum foil (pork chops were cooked on it). It passed through. A husky was fond of my leather gloves, same, passed them. Your dog will be fine. Be ready to clean up though.
@omnifam Id be going to get a breathing apparatus if I was you, My dog did this same trick and man, the farts were ungodly, the stuff nightmares would smell like I'm sure.
@omnifam Unless there was cocoa or raisins in there, you're good. Expect stool between soft and full on liquid. Other than that he will be entirely okay.
@omnifam Be prepared for the biggest poop ever. 💩

What to look for that is an emergency (I'm regards to this):
A tight, bloated stomach
Painful stomach
Unable to lie down

Basically signs of bloat. Food bloat can happen.

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