Does your puppy strain to poop/pee in their usual spots after they already pooped/peed on their walk? (Like out of routine)


New member
This question is a hard one to search for and it might sound really silly haha.

I have a 7-month old Shepherd-mix living in Midtown Manhattan and I vary her walk routes, but there's only so much variation possible (grid system, round a block is 20-min).

Say she has Poop Spots A-G and Pee Spots P-Z on various streets in the grid (blocks): they're the same exact spots even after it rains, the sidewalks get hosed down, thousands of people walk down the streets, hundreds of other dogs walk there, etc. - I remember the spots because it's either in front of a hotel or restaurant.

It's handy because if I want to do a short walk, I know the exact areas to walk to so that she can poop & pee ASAP.

But, on longer walks, she'll go Location A (solid poop), then we walk and pass Location B (tiny droplets, straining), and then we pass Location C (straining, nothing coming out, me standing around for a few minutes in-case something does come out).

Same thing with peeing: she'll initially pee a lot at first (Pee Spot P), then pass the next Pee Spot (Q) and attempt to pee with just a tiny bit coming out, and then pass Pee Spot (R) and squat to pee but nothing comes out

So, do other puppies do the same? I think it's just pattern recognition, like, "I pooped here before so now I need to poop again, even though I already did it", but looking for other thoughts

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