[Discussion] Do you think that dogs know when they’re getting close to the end of their lives?

@ralphmalph Thank you. I have a shelf in my family room dedicated to the memory of my dogs now gone. And one of pictures of my present dogs, Spotty and Swirl. Somehow it helps, as if the past and present were one.
@revincentiii I believe they do know. I had a Great Dane named Marley when I was growing up, and she came down with lymphoma when she was eight years old. Eight is a pretty old age for Danes so we decided not to treat and to wait until her time came naturally. She never really presented with any symptoms, just sleepier than usual but she still acted like her goofy self. One normal night I was getting ready to lay down, and she followed me into my room and climbed in bed with me. Something she never did the entire eight years we had her. The next morning she was so weak she couldn’t even raise her head up. I think she knew it would be her last night on Earth and she wanted to spend it with her human. It was definitely her way of saying goodbye. It’s been nearly ten years and I still think of her almost daily.
@revincentiii Yes, but I don't think you should read too much into this behaviour. It may be something else, maybe it's warmer on the carpet even if it's less comfortable.

My dog slept a lot right in front of my door risking that I'd accidentally hit him with the door when I wake up years before he passed. My best guess was that in colder weather it was a warmer place, and otherwise he just wanted to be closer to me. I let him sleep in my room a lot, sometimes he just left in the middle of the night to go back to his original dog bed, or lay in front of my door, sometimes he didn't sleep there for days, sometimes he pulled his little blanket from one part of my room to the other.

I guess he just found what was perfect for the part of the night and if he felt too cold/hot, or wanted a change, he looked for another place.

His behaviour definitely changed in his last few days though, he was sick before, but I realised his condition was rapidly deteriorating, took off a few days from work and we literally spent his last days in bed, just snuggling up to each other, listening to his favourite music and eating his favourite foods. On his last day when he looked at me I kind of felt like he knew and accepted what was coming, he just stared into my eyes for a few long minutes. I think he wanted to say goodbye then.

We had to put him down because he was suffering and in a lot of pain, and the vet said that he would have been gone in a few days if we'd waited, only with more pain and suffering.

Maybe there is no scientific proof, but I talked to a lot of people who had to say goodbye to their pets (either if they died naturally or had to be put down), and everybody said the same thing about "the look", when they looked into their eyes on the last days and just knew it's time.

Maybe it's not 100% conscious, but I do believe they feel when they are near, like humans do.

Edit: added a few commas to a long sentence, grammar.
@eliaharr 100% got “the look” from my guy before he passed away. I wasn’t sure wether it was time and a friend told him he would let me know and he absolutely did, with “the looks” i got from him.
@revincentiii My dog slept in our bedroom for the first time in ages the night before we had to put him down. We found out a tumour burst so I'm not sure if he came upstairs because he knew he was dying or because he wasn't feeling well and wanted comfort.

I got up and pet him in the middle of the night and that's a comforting memory for me.
@revincentiii Border Collie here. He's edging on 14 years. Things I've noticed:
- He has trouble jumping onto our bed now but refuses any steps we've set out for him. He will bark until we move them out of the way.
- Took him to a beach and we could tell he was exhausted. But he wouldn't leave. We had to drag him away. He threw up at least twice and then slept for two days.
- I have a Jeep which means the tail end is pretty high. He has only recently not growled at me when I lift him up to put him in the back.

Conclusion: he knows he is old but refuses to accept it.

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