[Discussion] Documentaries on Dogs

@divewithchuck Just watching this almost made me cry. All the times that I was doing the wrong thing with my babies, I just feel like I've betrayed them, because I thought I was doing what's best for them, but I wasn't. /sighs.

Thank you so much for sharing this.
@anjaliz Awesome, I will suffer the low resolution. Maybe watch it really small while I'm at work...hehe. Thank you for the link and recommendation! I really like huskies, even if I'm too inactive to ever own one.
@vanessajune I have never seen For the Love of Pugs, thank you so much for the mention! I just not found it and watched it. It made my Pug-loving heart swell with joy! They did a great job of presenting why the breed is so beloved by their people.
@vanessajune If you would want some more depressing documentaries, theres Pedigree Dogs Exposed and it's sequel, and if you really want something bad, there's One Nation Under Dog (DO NOT watch that last one if you're sensitive when it comes to dogs, like I am). On mobile, so can't provide links atm. Sorry.
@shane19 Still interesting to see! Do you have any specific examples I should watch out for? I do some "critical thinking" on everything I watch and read so I have my own opinions anyway...
@vanessajune It's a stretch to even call it a documentary. It's basically just one of those virally shared Facebook videos that's been going around regarding how fucked up purebred dogs are. I don't think it's worth your time. A documentary has sources, research, expert opinions, etc. This is just an "adopt don't shop" propaganda video, basically. Absolutely no substance.
@shane19 Saying there's absolutely no substance is a bit of a stretch. The part where the judge says GSDs without a sunken rear end are not "anatomically correct" still pisses me off. I've seen first hand a GSD like that who developed degenerative myelopathy, and the awful effects it has.

If there was absolutely no substance, Crufts would not have made any changes, nor would they have acknowledged further work needs to be done, but they did in the sequel
@dukedesu Absolutely, but shining a light on the bad makes it less comfortable for them to operate

EDIT: So apparently some people don't want the bad apples exposed, but are too afraid to say so. Use your words, people.

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