[Discussion] Documentaries on Dogs

@vanessajune Np! Just thought of something else, but I have no clue if it was a stand-alone doc or an episode of something, could have even just been a newscast.. So long ago! But it was about this group of researchers in Russia breeding foxes together purely based on friendliness, and how their coat colour, tail and ear shape, etc also changed. Pretty interesting if you manage to find it!!
@jesusismylord77 I have heard of that before! It has shown up in a few of the documentaries I have seen so far. This Wikipedia article talks about it a little bit...if you want to refresh your memory. I think the connection to physical characteristics from genetics is fascinating, but it all seems a little over my head! I just like to wonder what other combinations would surface in creatures if we were to "unnaturally select" them. Could we breed a spotted lion!?

I remember first learning about the domestication process in this tumblr post actually. Prior to reading this, I had (mistakenly) thought along the lines that puppies were raised to be more domestic and it had been more of a "taming" process.
@jesusismylord77 Okay, I absolutely adored this one. It was the most enjoyable by far since it was really about the cognition of dogs. There is a lot to read on the subject, but not watch so it was a refreshing break from the papers I read. Thank you!
@vanessajune "Away to Me" follows several border collies and their owners as they prepare for and compete in a sheep herding competition. I think it's available on Amazon.
@aaron_boydstun I've been the solider hallow (the herding comp in the video) and it is amazing. The video is really well done and the dogs in it are all current or retired champion herders.
@vanessajune Can't remember the name for the life of me but there was once a documentary that I watched about a man with no prior experience trying to cross the Alaska- Russia landbridge with just a team of dogs. It was pretty funny and informative if you can find it.
@vanessajune Send in the Dogs is a great show about the relationship between working police dogs and their handlers... there's a longer British version that spans several episodes and there's an Australian version.

Both are found on YouTube! (some of the videos are under acronyms something like SITD to evade being pulled for copyright)
@coleenv I will try to find some links, the dynamic between owners and dogs is interesting so I would love to learn more about professional police dogs! Thank you.

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