Considering getting a Weimaraner. Thoughts? Things to consider? Experience?


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Longish post ahead. I’ve been considering getting a dog for quite some time. I grew up in a family that always owned dogs. I work M-F 8-5 and will begin a grad program in January. I’m only taking one online class. I live in a decent sized house with an even more decent sized fenced backyard. One of my current roommates has a dog (pit mix 7 y/o female) who is very particular about other dogs she likes and gets along with. This roommate is considering moving out in January. Her dog is really what was stopping me from getting my own. I mentioned considering getting a dog to my mom. My mom told me my aunt has a Weimaraner puppy named Kona (7 month female) that she is trying to get rid of. My aunt has two other dogs and doesn’t have the wherewithal to take care of a weim puppy. I was originally planning on waiting to see if my roommate ends up moving out and preparing myself for a dog (i.e. buying dog supplies) then going to the shelter and meeting a few dogs. Really everything was based on my roommate moving out or not in January. She also doesn’t plan on renewing the lease that ends in July, so if she didn’t move out in January I would’ve just waited until July to get a dog. My mom wants me to take the weim. I’ve started doing research on the breed and will map out my evenings and weekends to train and exercise her. I’m mostly nervous of who my aunt might end up giving the dog to. All this being said, should I stick with my original plan or should I bring it up with my roommate about possibly introducing the dogs if she stays?
@isukaslainofds Meet the pup and also perhaps ask for a vet screen before you decide. Someone looking to give away a pup when they already have dogs always raises my eyebrows. You should have the right to know if the pup is sick or would incur additional ongoing health expenses.
@pgarcia43 I will definitely do that. I’ll be traveling home for new years and my aunt and parents live in the same town. I doubt the pup has had her shots so I would probably handle that while I’m there. The poor pup has been passed around already. My aunt’s husband took it in from his son. Son had to rehome because landlord has a strict no pet policy (idk why he didn’t ask about that beforehand). Knowing my aunt, there’s likely no ill-will. She has a habit of taking in dogs she has no business having. My brother has also gotten a puppy from her that he’s had for 6 years now.
@isukaslainofds I don’t think you will be home enough for a Weimaraner. They do not like to be alone. Do you have other people in your family? You only mention a roommate? What will your dog do alone all day from 8-5 and while you are at school? Do you think you have time for a pet?
@isukaslainofds Please don’t take a weim when your gone 5 days a week from 8 to 5. They are very prone to separation anxiety. Couldn’t leave my house the first couple of months with mine, and still can’t just throw a jacket on and leave without the established routine.

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