Considering adopting an adult GSD (appox 3-4 years) from a shelter - what things should I consider?


New member
I've been considering adopting a GSD for a few months now. There is an adult GSD in a shelter about 3 hours away in rural North Carolina. These places tend to be high-kill, so I'm interested in driving out there to meet him. I've never had a GSD before, and have never adopted an adult dog. It is also important that I have a 7 year-old daughter (who is kind and respectful to animals).

If I decide to take the drive, what things should I consider or check for when I meet this GSD? He was surrendered, but this backwards shelter in hickville nowhere did not bother to take a history on him. The only thing that they can tell me is that he was already neutered and he "seems friendly when people walk by his kennel". Any tips?
@alinka Kudos for you looking into rescuing a GSD! There a few things you can do there to check the dog's temperment. First obvious is the dog too scared to come up and approach you? When you calmly talk to and reach out to the dog, does he or she wag their tail?

A tail tucked between its legs might go up to wagging after a little while. There's a lot of shock and possibly sadness in being in a shelter. How is the dog when you take your keys out and toss them on the floor? Does the dog run away or does the dog slowly approach? That will show you if it's curious and has some confidence. Also ask the shelter if the dog has been food aggressive when they've fed it.

When you get there, you can ask them at the shelter if the dog looks like it comes from working lines or more pet lines. Working lines usually have more drive and like to do what it was meant to do which is "work," so it will have a much more stronger desire to play ball, train, etc. If it comes from pet lines then it would be a lot easier for a novice/beginner to train.

I've had German Shepherds all my life and I think they are wonderful dogs. Almost all the GSDs I've met are fantastic with children. But depending on what the dog has been through, it might take a few weeks and maybe months for your dog and family to be adjusted to one another. But enjoy the journey, and make sure you have lots of balls, tugs and toys to keep it busy.

Let me know if you have any questions! And good luck!!
@alinka If you're in North Carolina, seriously consider Southeast German Shepherd Rescue. They pull dogs out of high-kill shelters through NC, VA, and SC and rehabilitate and rehome them. Although it may sometimes seem like a high-kill shelter dog is more of a "rescue," when you rescue from an organization you are freeing up a foster home for another dog as well. I'm from NC as well, and I adopted my dog, Max from them about 4 months ago. He is amazing and they did a great job matching the two of us--our energy levels are well-set and Max has all the qualities I was looking for.

The point Al_Batross makes in the comments about not being able to sense personality in a shelter is VERY important regarding your daughter. If I were you, I would go to SGSR rather than a shelter because it is SO important that your dog be child-friendly. Breed-specific rescues in general (and I can vouch that this one is very thorough about this) get to know the dogs and test them in different scenarios. They will be able to get you a dog that is kid-friendly without the concerns that it may react differently once you get it home. Their dogs live in foster homes while they are with the rescue, not in cages.

GSDs are awesome dogs and mine is very smart and fun to train--he learns quickly and enjoys the work. They often choose one main person to be loyal to, and anecdotally, I've heard a lot of stories of them choosing children and following and protecting them (from other GSD owners I know). Because of this tendency it's important to socialize them very well with all types of humans and dogs, because they can be very protective and must learn not to "protect" your children from their friends. They're great dogs and can learn this--Max used to dislike men hugging me and he has acclimated a great deal with a little bit of work. They catch on quick. :)

TL;DR: I recommend a foster-based rescue for GSDs, SGSR in particular in this area, because of your need for child-friendly temperament in your dog. GSDs are amazing, smart, loyal dogs but require energy and training (and socialization) because of their intelligence and protective nature.
@alinka Do not take the shelter's temperament assessment to heart. They do this when the dog first comes in the shelter so it is confused. It may display some behaviors that are concerning at that time, or it may be so afraid it is masking some issues. I rescued my 6 month old GSD from a high kill shelter. They had her listed as "unadoptable" because they said she was food aggressive and she was dangerous around cats and small dogs. I adopted her in July, and I haven't seen a single instance of food aggression despite testing her (putting my hand in her bowl, petting her while she's eating, feeding her around my other dogs) and she is awesome with my cat after 2 weeks of training her to be nice to him.

Also, even though this dog was in a home before, chances are he WILL have an accident or two when you get home. Housebreaking was the biggest issue with all of my shelter dogs, even the adults because they have been forced to go to the bathroom in their living space in the shelter. Be patient and consistent.

Take him out of his kennel and walk him. See if he acts fearful around new people and situations (fear is the basis of aggression in dogs), see how he acts when he sees another dog. Gently poke his flank and touch his paws to see how he reacts to rougher handling. Offer him treats to see if he takes them gently or tries to take your fingers off. Bring all family members when you meet him to make sure everyone gets along with him.

Most of all, good luck! My rescued GSD is the most stable GSD I h
ave ever owned in terms of health and temperament. I hope you find your perfect match :)
@imagebeastmarkbeast I want to stress these points:

Take him out of his kennel and walk him. See if he acts fearful around new people and situations (fear is the basis of aggression in dogs), see how he acts when he sees another dog.

Yes, you probably don't want to deal with a reactive dog, unfortunately. It doesn't have to be necessarily fearful, it can even just be super excitement, but if the dog starts barking his fool head off near other dogs you'll have a lot of training to do on your hands -- just keep that in mind.

However, also note, shelters are prone to make dogs reactive, so you may have to deal with training away reactivity anyway.

Gently poke his flank and touch his paws to see how he reacts to rougher handling.

This is what I wanted to recommend as well. Touch around the dog's body and watch the reactions. Ideally no reaction or just a turn of the head in the direction. A quick flick of the head back to see what's happening denotes either surprise or warning. If the eye closest to his body shows a lot of white (whale eye) and the mouth is slightly open and drown back, that's a warning, "stop it or else". You probably don't want a dog that gives a warning because you have a young child. As for the surprise reaction, weigh it with other information you have to see if the dog may be too anxious or fearful.

Other types of reactions are pretty obvious.

Bring all family members when you meet him to make sure everyone gets along with him.

Especially the 7 year old :) Children have a different body language than adults and dogs can react to that. It would also be good to have your child do some of the touch test.