Am I Wrong for having my dog in her crate while I’m at work?


New member
Hey everyone, i’m brand new to this group. i posted on AITA about a dog sitting situation that went down which i can explain more if y’all are interested. Anyway, a lot of people commenting saying I was abusing my dog for leaving her in her crate all day while i work.

For context, my fiancé and i adopted her in april. we fell in love with her the minute we saw her. She’s about 2.5 years old. They told us she’s a GSD mixed with something, they’re not sure what. She’s only about 50lbs so she’s a medium dog.

I work at a daycare and i’m gone all day, my fiancé works at a factory and is also gone all day. Our hours are offset a bit so she’s at home in her crate for about 7 hours.

We didn’t have a crate at all within the first few days of having her, and she tore our stuff to bits while we were gone everytime.

Anyway we’ve tried to leave her for shorter periods: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, etc. But if we leave for more than 15 minutes she becomes destructive.

Is there anything else I can do? Are we cruel owners?
@neysonclark79 No, if she's destructive, you could be saving her life.

You could get a bigger crate for her to completely stretch out in, or, have someone stop by and walk her at some point during the day. That way, she's only in there for a max 5 hrs or so. She gets to go potty, stretch her 5 get some stimulation.
@neysonclark79 I would make sure the crate is large enough for the dog to move around a little, for a 50lb dog at least a 48" crate. Must have water in the crate when you leave and must still have some water in the crate when you get home. I would have a television with them on a talk channel so it sounds like people are there.

If you dog is destructive when alone then you need to contain them when they are alone. Otherwise you end up risking them eating something dangerous to themselves and coming home to a dead dog.
@neysonclark79 Dogs get destructive when they are bored or anxious. I never let my dog alone for more than 5 hours. If i am at work, i pay someone to walk the dog. It costs me only about 8€ a day. Its not abuse, but your dog would definitly be a lot more happy
@larktoons18 my fiancé thinks that with her separation anxiety and possible fear of abandonment (was returned to shelter) that she wouldn’t react well to a dog walker or boarding place. i disagree with him because she overall really loves people. she’s been reactive with a few select people who were all old white men.
@neysonclark79 why not find a dog walker and have them come to the house for a few introductions while you guys are there? that way the dog will be familiar with the person, see that you know them as well. you could also go on a group walk so that the dog has an association with this person as “yay my walker is here!”
@neysonclark79 The dog simply needs to roam, smell, explore, play and use their daily energy. Dogs are not used to being alone. They live in packs. So I can almost guarantee that someone walking her and letting her do those things, is already very helpful. Your dog also doesn't care what skin color, gender or age the dog walker has, as long as he or her can bond. And that might take a few walks.
@neysonclark79 Not cruel. It is a safe space where she can’t hurt herself, and she can feel safe and calm. I kept my adopted dog in a crate every time I left for the first 2 years before I trusted him to be on his own. Dogs sleep a lot. Just make sure she can stand and stretch out like the others already said.
@neysonclark79 A lot of people think of crates as cruel and cry abuse because they personally wouldn’t do something.

If the dog can stand up, turn around and lie down comfortably and has access to water - she’s fine. It’s not like you’re leaving her for 12, 14, 18 hours or something crazy.

And as for her destructiveness you’re actually doing her a favour putting her in her crate while you’re gone. If she’s calm in the crate it means she’s comfy and feels safe , and neither she nor you want to go through the horrors, pain and financial suffering of destructive related injuries (or foreign body surgeries if she eats what she wrecks)

All you have to make sure of is that you’re making good use of the time when you are home. Lots of walks and games and maybe even a sport if you’re able. A dog’s “best life” doesn’t have to be an all day endeavour. It can be before and after work.
@neysonclark79 My dog loves his crate, he sleeps in there happily all by himself even when we are home. It’s absolutely not cruel!! Your dog could really hurt herself if not contained. Also sounds like she has anxiety when left alone…the crate absolutely helps with that too. It’s the best and safest place for your dog and you are a great dog owner for wanting her to be safe. Don’t let anyone make you feel like shit!
@neysonclark79 You are not cruel, you are protecting her from doing something that could, quite literally, kill her. We have a 10 year old rescue and he has only recently earned the right to stay out but even then for only 15-20 minutes at a time.
@neysonclark79 Nah i left my dog in the crate for a whole day with water and food. Nothing wrong at all. You’re overthinking it

But if youre gone for a couple of days, obviously let your dog stay at a friend’s. Every time i work overseas i let my dog stay with my friends’ so it’s a doggy playdate
@neysonclark79 My answer to this is always...
If you rescued this dog and it's the best you can do, you're still a good person.
If you went to a breeder, bought a dog, this perpetuating the industry of puppies for profit, then you should have given that dog some kind of spectacular fcking life and been able to afford daycare or a dog walker or something.

Basically if that dog would have otherwise been euthanized at the pound than you're off the hook for giving them love and a relatively good life.

Also if you use positive training and don't ever hurt your dog to "train" them, then you're doing better than most dog owners.

That's my 2 cents
@mariiah i don’t really agree with breeders and the industry anyways, but i couldn’t afford a pure bred puppy even if i wanted. we adopted her from a shelter and she had already been returned once
@neysonclark79 Have you tried putting a Kong toy stuffed with her food? I do one for my GSD that also suffers from separation anxiety, it gives them something to do. I put greek yogurt, his kibble, and a couple of treats and freeze it so it lasts a bit. My GSD is very food motivated so I’ve been looking for puzzle things for his food.

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