My friend’s GSD mix just attacked her 1 y/o son. She sees nothing wrong with this. Help?

@dyno Ah okayy , thank ya for pointing that out . Also idk why i got downvoted for telling someone a baby cant possibly learn not to accidentally fall near a dog they know nothing about đź’€
@made2latreia I'm surprised everyone here is so angrily against this poor woman, when she's probably just trying to do right by her dog. Her dog didn't just viciously attack for no reason. It was hurt (I suspect alot more than a step on the tail) and reacted. I do think she should rehome the dog though, because it is not safe for baby or dog anymore to be together. The dog has alot of trauma and needs a stress free environment to heal. Babies are stressful and do not realise right and wrong. This is a recipe for disaster, but I don't think the answer is called CPS or Animal control here. I think a decent trainer and discuss rehoming is the answer. Not the dogs fault. Not the babies fault. Maybe the poor thing has had bad experiences with someone hurting their tail and reacted on instinct.

I love and adore my dog and if I had a child over the next few years, it would be very heartbreaking for me to make the choice to get rid of him. Yes my child comes first but that was probably her first baby in her eyes and it must be a devastating decision to have to make, doesn't help if people are harassing her to get rid of the dog. I know I'd be trying to fix the situation without the dog needing to be rehomed.
@anadascal I don't know why she has that child. Zac should be either rehomed or euthanized as is the humane way.

But seriously, if Zac was bitten that bad, I'm confused how the police, animal control, or CPS weren't notified and she was just allowed to keep the dog.

If her dog is that reactive, it needs a better environment than free range child.

After my dog bit me, I made sure to muzzle her when going out for walks. I became hyper aware of her stress signs and changed a lot about how I dealt with her.

Did this chick just go about her day like nothing happened or what?