Am I walking my dog too much?

@davy Our 9lb chorkiepoo gets 4-5 20 min walks a day because we don’t have a yard but live by a park. On weekend he gets longer outings. He loves it. You would know if your dog didn’t like the walks. I used to have an older chow sharpei mix and I could tell when the walks were too much for her so we adjusted.
@davy My dog has 4 walks a day minimum because we don’t have a fenced in yard and he bullies me into going for walks. I wish my neighbors would try and tell me that I walk my dog too much when no one in my neighborhood can keep their dogs in their yard 💀 if they walked them instead of leaving them out unattended, they wouldn’t have that problem.
@davy As long as your vets not worried I wouldn’t be either. Walking is great on dogs and if he’s not showing signs of pain or trouble breathing he’s probably having a blast!!
@davy Sounds like they’re projecting. Too many dogs don’t get enough exercise, so you’re being one of the few people who are going the extra mile for their dogs.
I walk mine at least 1.5 hrs a day plus 7-9 miles on weekends, he loves it.
@davy I think they criticize because they aren't walking their dogs enough and they feel it makes them look bad. Most critism is a reflection of themselves tbh.
@davy Quite frankly, I think your neighbors should mind their own beeswax 🤷🏻‍♀️ I had a neighbor tell me that too recently & said that if I'm cold then the dog is cold too (my family's dog is a great pyr & we live in Michigan). We don't even go for long walks, we just walk a block then back. Takes us 20 mins at least and usually it's because my dog walks slow & he has to sniff every inch of lawn or snow he walks on. By the time we get home he lays down & takes a nap 😂
@davy Forget what everyone says. Follow what Bowser says. Our 7 lb dog averaged 10 plus miles daily as a young dog. First going on runs with DH and then walks with me. Now at 15 he walks 1-2 miles with me. He turns and heads for home when he is tired. I supplement with bicycle rides in the summer. He rides in a front basket, loves speed and looks like Toto. The point is at he decides the the frequency and distance.
@davy Forget what everyone says. Follow what Bowser says. Our 7 lb dog averaged 10 plus miles daily as a young dog. First going on runs with DH and then walks with me. Now at 15 he walks 1-2 miles with me. He turns and heads for home when he is tired. I supplement with bicycle rides in the summer. He rides in a front basket, loves speed and looks like Toto. The point is at he decides the the frequency and distance.
@davy Forget what everyone says. Follow what Bowser says. Our 7 lb dog averaged 10 plus miles daily as a young dog. First going on runs with DH and then walks with me. Now at 15 he walks 1-2 miles with me. He turns and heads for home when he is tired. I supplement with bicycle rides in the summer. He rides in a front basket, loves speed and looks like Toto. The point is at he decides the the frequency and distance.
@davy Forget what everyone says. Follow what Bowser says. Our 7 lb dog averaged 10 plus miles daily as a young dog. First going on runs with DH and then walks with me. Now at 15 he walks 1-2 miles with me. He turns and heads for home when he is tired. I supplement with bicycle rides in the summer. He rides in a front basket, loves speed and looks like Toto. The point is at he decides the the frequency and distance.
@davy You should be careful about taking a puppy for long walks before their bones fully develop but other than that it can’t hurt your dog as long as they are happy and want to press on.

You may want to consider a coat in cold weather and a cooling vest in hot weather. My girl overheats a little so I try to avoid walking her in the middle of the day during the summer.

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