Am I walking my dog too much?

@davy I literally think it is almost impossible to walk a dog too much. I feel terrible for dogs that don’t get to run or sniff everything they want every day. They have more energy than we can even imagine. Please don’t listen to your dumb ass coworker, just pity their dogs.
@davy If a dog doesn’t get enough exercise that pent-up energy has to come out, and can become destructive behavior, barking etc. A tired dog is a happy dog.
@davy People don’t walk their dogs and then tell you you are walking them too much. You are doing a wonderful job! Keep it going!!
@davy Lucky dog!!!

Unless they have health issues, or it's way too hot or way too cold outside, or their paws start bleeding, there is no such thing as walking them too much.

Enjoy the walks, maybe take my dog too? He'd love extra walkies.
@davy You are very likely the best dog owner on the planet. Your neighbors feel guilty, jealous, insecure and lazy. And I truly believe it’s impossible to walk a dog too much. If the weather is good and the dog is happy (and not displaying fatigue) you and your dog are simply enjoying life. Please don’t let idiots affect you and your lucky pup!
@bethany35 Highly doubtful but I do appreciate the kind words

I am trying to let him live his best life while he's with me (he's a 6 months foster)
@davy I would just caution to be very careful in warmer weather. The group not only gets too hot for their paws but at that size they are also breathing in the heat with their face that close to the ground. But as long as the weather isn’t an issue enjoy your walks!
@123lx I know the rule of touching the pavement first, make sure it isn't too hot...

By the time it gets too hot he should be going home. He's only with me for 6 months
@davy How old is your dog? If it’s a puppy still in the growing stage I’d say it’s too much if your doing strict walks on pavement.

If your dog is fully grown then, by all means enjoy all the walking you can. Unless you dog is actively choosing not to go on walks anymore, they love them and are enjoying them. If a dog is overworked they will mention it to you, but not actively showing excitement when going to get their harness or collar for a walk.

The people that are saying that to you most likely don’t even walk their own dogs.
@davy There is no such thing as walking the dog too much. Just make sure it eats more than your average lazy obese house dog. And make sure it’s a premium food.

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