Am I Doing Something Wrong?


New member
I have a wonderful partial ACD boy (see post history for dog tax) who is my absolute world. He and I get to spend almost 24/7 together. He goes with me to the office everyday.

However, I am worried that I am not giving him enough activity. From what I have read on the sub from other ACD owners, all of their dogs require ENORMOUS amounts of activity. Mine doesn’t.

Our everyday schedule:
Before work - 30 mins running off leash, chasing/fetching a ball and sniffing/exploring
During work - 2 or 3 fifteen/twenty minute walks on leash
After work - 1 hour at a large park with at least 5-6 other dogs, and at least 1 of them is one of his “besties.”
Evening - play in the apartment, and usually a glow-ball session before we go to bed.
Weekends are the same except the walks are switched to off-leash ball chasing, or play dates with his cousin-dogs.

He seems content? He doesn’t destroy anything, no chewing, no bad behavior at all. Is he content? Am I boring him to death? Should we be more active? Are there signs I should be looking for to keep him more engaged

He is at the perfect weight, according to his vet at his last appointment in December. Am I just way over thinking as a first time, solo dog-owner?

Advice from this amazing community?
@z3rn4rius you sound like an excellent dog owner to me!!When my girl gets bored she finds something to unbore her, in my experience they are not the type to leave their needs/desires unknown 😂
@gloriousday He is a Velcro boy, and very vocal too. None of my dogs growing up talked this much, but I feel like since we spend all the time together, I know what he’s saying. And when it just sounds like he’s bored, I buy him off with a puzzle, or frozen Kong, or turning on doggie TV (opening the blinds on the floor to ceiling windows at my office).

I appreciate the reassurance! This community has been wonderful to help me learn how best to keep my adorable jerk well behaved.
@z3rn4rius I get it!! My pretty bitch, as I so affectionately and honestly call her, is incredibly vocal too. When she plays, when she sleeps, when she sees a human being. She goes to work with me too :)
I’m a property manager and she and my other dog (a sharpei) go with me when we’re working in vacancies and she spends her whole day, HOURS, patrolling the windows for supposed threats. She doesn’t get a lot of physical exercise those days but she enjoys the job at hand, and sleeps the whole way home. They are just so happy to have something to do I think, they’re so..interesting. And I don’t think anyone could sneak up on me if they tried 👁️👄👁️
@gloriousday “Jerkface” is a frequent nickname for him.
He’s finally gotten used to the concept that the first bark is free, and he can grumble all he wants after that, but any continued barking will not be appreciated.

I figure, he sees the office as his territory as much as my apartment, so it really IS his job (in his mind) to warn everyone that a new person is at the door. I don’t want to be angry at him for doing his job, but no one in the office wants to hear him sounding off his cattle dog call every time someone walks down the street. No one appreciates that.

He does spend a fair amount of time completely sacked out on his bed, but he is also a valued participant in every office meeting.
@z3rn4rius Yeah it’s a constant “ETHYL, ITS FINE” with most things but hey at least we are SAFE from the mailman and the neighbors getting into their cars. They just love us so much.
@z3rn4rius I had put an expensive bark collar on my boy because a neighbor complained about early morning barking. My boy figured out the timing on the shocks to wait in between 3 seconds in between each bark, so that he receives the lowest zap.

Training is the only way to correct that.
@karma777 Thank you! It seems like how many posts read, “they need to be running ALL THE TIME!!”

I was starting to wonder if maybe he was just super bored, and feeling so inactive that he had given up asking.

I’m most likely overthinking. I do it a lot, lol.
@z3rn4rius Seems like a good amount, if he's not getting into trouble that's a good sign he's getting the stimulation he needs. They find themselves a job to do when bored, mine went on a toy destruction and digging rampage when i was out with covid

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