4-7 years old are the golden years in my opinion


New member
They’re still young enough to go on long runs, and have plenty of energy. Most breeds are still healthy during these years.

But they’re not bitch ass puppies that are constantly up to mischief and causing a ruckus.

I just wish I had a magic device to pause (paws) my dogs right now.
@mauricio512 5-7 was pretty nice, my dog started calming down and listening well, but I'm telling you, 8? Once he turned 8 he hit his peak. He's the most well behaved he's ever been bjt still got the energy to run and play and totally liven up our home, and outside everyone adores him.

It's like I can finally enjoy my time with him, not worrying about whether he'll behave or not, but still young enough to where he's not having any real health problems or "acting his age". He's just a total delight.
@olachi85 Same! Mine used to be a little terror who would book it put the door if we weren't watching and as he got older would at least act like he wanted to. Now, if I'm not going, he's not going. He's always been a velcro dog but now we're truly a pair
@imagebeastmarkbeast Yeah McDog was rough for awhile.

But the day I left meat on the counter to help my husband and rushed back to the kitchen to find him laying on his bed and the meat where I left it? That's when I knew we were at the start of a beautiful era.

Look at this dope. You can't get better than life with this.

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