2 y/o dog isn’t eating after coming home from vacation


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I just spent a week out of state, so my dog stayed over at my mom’s house the entire time. He got nonstop car rides, lots of yard time, and probably a little too much human food. He’s also obsessed with my mom, probably a little more than me, so I know he wasn’t too anxious being with her.

But now that we’ve both been back home for 2 days, he isn’t eating. He usually eats Purina One Chicken, but ran out the day before we left for vacation and was switched to Purina One Lamb. Apparently he wasn’t too big of a fan of it, so my mom bought him Purina Chicken, but it’s a different type than his regular food (this bag is black, his regular food is red). He IS drinking and happily ate a cooked egg and chicken nugget, but 100% refuses kibble. I don’t like giving him human food, because I want to avoid him getting spoiled, but I was so upset that he starved all day and caved.

Today we bought him a bag of his regular Purina One Chicken, and he STILL won’t eat. He is pooping at least once a day, but won’t even look at his food. I’m basically out of ideas and now have like 4 opened bags of dog food that he refuses to eat, so that really, really sucks.

update: I mixed in some wet food and he ate his whole bowl. He’s just being a picky little stinker and my mom apologized for feeding him too much human food.
@nehemiah126 Sometimes dogs don't eat for 2 or 3 days for various reasons. Anything more than that is cause for concern. I have been giving mine ground chicken, rice and chicken broth because she is taking a lot of meds (antibiotics, pain med) and that is all she will eat. Trying to ease her back to kibble now that the meds are over. Each day I add a little kibble to her rice mixture.
@nehemiah126 I am actually having a similar situation. Went on a 3 day vacation, came home, dog ate fine for a few days, now suddenly refuses to eat. Only difference is my poor dog was boarded in terrible conditions. I am eagerly awaiting Monday to call the vet.
@mark_ward Hope everything goes well for you and yours. My mom said he ate lots of chicken & table scraps and then would sneak off at midnight to eat his kibble, so I really don’t think he’s sick (or I’m hoping he’s not). Maybe he’s just being stubborn and holding out for something better? No clue.
@nehemiah126 He truly could just be spoiled (mine was when I first got him), but honestly I learned the hard way that it's always safe to prepare for the worst, while hoping for the best. I would rather spend $100 to find out my dog is okay than save my money, only to find out he's got something life threatening.

That being said, I more than understand wanting to save that $100. Which is why I appreciate social media groups like this one. I genuinely hope both our pups are okay and just being dramatic!
@nehemiah126 This is probably the case. When I got my pup, I used to get desperate if she wasn’t eating her food and feed her table scraps, whip cream, anything she would take since she’s a toy breed and more prone to low blood sugar when she doesn’t eat for too long. I brought my concerns to the vet, and she told me that she definitely figured out that if she doesn’t eat her kibble, I would end up giving her the human food she wants, and that’s why she wasn’t eating. I then stopped giving her treats or human food as often as I was and eventually she started to eat the kibble again since she was getting hungry.
@riverwild He’s genuinely in love with my mom (he knew her from his puppy years, but she didn’t have the time or space to take him in when he needed a new home). So I think a week with her was heaven, and now returning to me probably hurts a bit.
@nehemiah126 My dog does this too. I recently went on a 4 day vacation and left my girl with my parents. Parents texted me with updates letting me know my dog was eating well, doing just fine, etc. She is spoiled with love over there!

Then when I got home and brought her back to my place, she had a couple days where she just didn’t seem that into her food. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ she would eat a little then go lie down and be done. But after a few days she got over it and started chowing down like normal again.

Dogs are weird.

If it’s only a few days, and can be explained by a change in routine throwing them off, then I wouldn’t worry. But if it lasts like a week and there’s no explanation, time for a visit to the vet.
@dan_r We’re definitely going to make an appointment if he still doesn’t eat tomorrow, but money is a little too tight right now (we can’t even afford to feed ourselves right now). But he’s not avoiding food, he’s just avoiding kibble, and he’s drinking his water just as normal as always.
@nehemiah126 If I spoil my dog and give her homemade meals (dog safe) or wet food and then try to switch back to kibble she gets real picky and won’t eat for a day. Her instincts kick in eventually and she eats her kibble and doesn’t have a problem after that. Don’t cave and if he doesn’t eat after a day I’d say take him to the vet.
@ajay24 I’m trying hard not to cave at all today like I did the day before, but it’s really bumming me out. I may end up giving him wet food tomorrow morning if this keeps up. He’s just breaking my heart because nothing seems wrong with him health wise.

And I guess it’s good to mention he did eat A LITTLE kibble last night, but not enough to be considered a meal.

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