1yo corgi reactive around his housemates


New member
hi reddit
my dog timmy (1yo corgi) lately has been worse then he has ever been. him and one of my other dogs, harry (3yo corgi) got into a fight (not the first fight they’ve had) and when trying to separate them, timmy bit my mom hard enough to draw blood.

we got timmy when he was around 8-9 weeks old, and he, like the rest of our animals, is incredibly spoiled and well cared for. he took an incredibly long time to potty train (and will occasionally still use the bathroom inside) and barks at everything. besides harry, we have daisy, a 9yo shepherd/pit mix, along with 4 cats. we tried to socialize timmy as wel as we could, and he absolutely loves people and is the sweetest dog to strangers, but he is not friendly around other dogs. thankfully, since he is tiny he is easier to control around other dogs, but still.

it has come to a point where 3/4 of the cats are rarely on the main floor of our house because they are scared of timmy (the one that still hangs out upstairs is about the same size as timmy and has killed a rabbit before so we are not worried about him), you can’t give harry too much love around timmy because he will get upset and attack harry, if you give him like a kiss on the head we will snap his head around and try to bite, and harry doesn’t like going outside with him & only sleeps in places he knows timmy can’t get to him. besides his reactivity, timmy is really well trained and gets a lot of exercise along with eating a really good diet. we know that his behavior isn’t related to some sort of trauma or health related issue, and we plan on taking him to the vet to get evaluated n such, but in the meantime does anyone have any advice on what’s going on or how to deal with him?
any advice is greatly appreciated :)

edit: i feel like i should add that i have very little control over getting him training n stuff, i do what i can but i am 17 so most of that is up to my parents. that’s not to say like “oh don’t tell me to spend my money” but like please be nice to me i’m sensitive lol
@faith1st It sounds like you need to train Timmy. Like a lot. I mean start from scratch.
  • he should be potty trained
  • he should NOT be barking at everything
  • he should be crate (or play pen) trained
  • he should be trained to settle
  • your other pets should not be suffering because of him
You have a high energy working breed dog. And it sounds like you have zero relationship with him. I don’t mean love. Yeah your buddies! That’s not the relationship he needs. None of that alpha BS. you are his owner. He should know you are the safest and most fun thing in the world and for that should respect you.

You need a professional, private trainer and you need it ASAP. It is not fair to any of the dogs in your house. To be honest your knowledge is so lacking that I could spend 45 minutes typing up tips and it still won’t get you where you need to go. Go get help
@faith1st Definitely go back to the basics and invest in more cat furniture that he can't reach so that the kitties can get away from him without having to avoid the room entirely.

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