
  1. W

    My puppy peed 11 times in 4 hours in sitter’s apartment

    I tried out a sitter via rover for daycare to test run with my puppy for future daycare and boarding. My puppy is 99% potty trained and has only had one accident in my apartment in the last month. Within 4 hours she texted me that my puppy had peed OVER 11 times in her apartment and she couldn’t...
  2. L

    What do y’all do when y’all are just not in the mood

    All puppy owners, what do y’all do when y’all are just having a bad day and are not in the mood for anything. Like I have days where I don’t feel like playing with my pup by I still try even though I feel miserable. Am I the only one? I feel bad because I can’t give my puppy the full play...
  3. J

    unless you have a reactive dog you don't understand

    my dog is fear reactive. i did everything by the book when i got him at around 9 weeks old, we went outside, we watched people, and i did R+ when we'd see people but unfortunately some dogs are just going to be reactive. i train my dog twice daily, we go on a long walk and i take treats w us...
  4. E

    My pup loves the awful weather and it's making me hate him

    As I write this, it's 7:45am in New York, it's 40 degrees out with 20mph wind and it's been raining for about 30 straight hours. And my pup really wants to go play outside. I took him out at about 6:30 this morning for a potty break, as is our standard morning routine to buy me time for...
  5. N

    I’m positive my puppy’s in a better place in my home, but I still can’t do enough on my own for him

    So I got my Koda a little over a month ago, he’s a little accidental mutt currently about 5 months old. We got him from my roommates coworkers family friend? Or something? Place we got him from was in the middle of nowhere. Never had a vet appointment before I got him. Had fleas, worms, and...
  6. S

    1 year just don’t settle

    So I have a 16 month old. I’m assuming there’s a great deal of Aussie or collie and some lab (just got a Wisdom panel so I’ll know for sure soon), so I know their brains are wired like all the time lol. We do 2 hours of physical exercise a day. She loves to sniff, so we do an equal amount of...
  7. 3

    Tomorrow we call the vet

    8 months, 12 days. That's how long it's been since we took in a then 1 year old GSD/Husky mix named Flynn. A friend sent me a photo last summer asking if I could help with a dog that came from a house with questionable ownership of Flynn. I've rescued animals since I was 17 and given he was...
  8. M

    I just wanna say a biggg f u to Giardia

    My pup came to me with raging Giardia, and I dealt with it with my older dog when he was a pup. Guess I forgot how much of a pain it is lol. She’s 3 days into a 5 day panacur and 10 day flagyl (the actual name is gone in my tired brain rn) but there are glimpses of normal poos mixed in with the...
  9. A

    Still waiting for it to get better

    6 month old papillon is out to break me I just know it (I have to laugh or I’ll cry). Still can’t walk properly on a leash. Still puts EVERYTHING in his mouth. He has all his adult teeth. When I take him out I’m pulling every leaf, rock, asphalt, etc out of his mouth just while waiting for him...
  10. T

    Is it common for people to only brag about their perfect puppies?

    I have a 6 month old puppy and I know two families with puppies (more or less the same age as him). While I always openly point out on what are we working on with him (so we can share knowledge) or I joke around that he is an asshole or telling a story when he did a bad thing.. I always get...
  11. D

    Who will miss him but me?

    I knowingly adopted a reactive dog. I've gone through hell keeping him safe and learning how to be calm around triggers. We made great progress until first the Yorkies across the street and then a few weeks later the Schnauzers down the block were allowed to run loose through the neighborhood...
  12. S

    The teenage stage isn’t what I thought it would be

    I thought the teenage puppy stage was going to be where your dog just acts really naughty and never listens. It’s actually the dog listening and basically giving you the middle finger. Somehow, it’s easier than dealing with a puppy but a lot more frustrating. I think it’s because when they’re...
  13. W

    What is the worst thing your puppy has ever done?

    Sort of a vent. Yet I’m sure I’ll find it funny in the future when the smell of rotten carcass is out of both my nostrils and my friends entire house. Today I went out to visit my friend who lives on several acres in the country. Her house has a doggie door in the kitchen and fence surrounding...
  14. P


    I will start by saying that this is my dog’s first 4th of July and she’s doing incredible! I’m so proud of her and the fact that she was calm and didn’t react to the fireworks as I had thought she may. With that said, what the f**k is wrong with people?! They’re literally throwing fireworks...
  15. C

    Roommate's Dog is My Nightmare

    I have a roommate (X) who has a 5 year old dog that is just the bane of my existence. X and I have been friends for years, and they moved in about a year ago. Their dog looks a bit like a basenji, but is def a mutt of some sort. And I am getting so fed up. He is constantly barking at everything...
  16. G

    If you’ve never raised a puppy by yourself or if your dog isn’t perfectly house trained, leash trained, AND crate trained - don’t talk to me

    Basically every friend I have gives me unsolicited advice on how to train my puppy even though they’ve never raised/had a dog. Or their family adopted an older dog and now suddenly they know ~everything~ about puppies. Or they had a roommate who had a puppy and now they know how to train...
  17. P

    “It’s cruel to walk your dog in [this -20°C windchill]!”

    I was accosted while walking my boy yesterday at the park, by a lady I didn’t know. We’re having a bit of a (relative) cold snap, and it was a bright and sunny day, but of course without the cloud layer to trap heat it was a bit brisk. My boy is a nearly-9-month-old husky, who has been whining...
  18. J

    he antagonized and then called her dangerous

    Ugh. I hate people. This morning, I (26 F) was out walking my 1 year old Chow Chow named Leia. In our apartment complex, we have some nice egg chairs by the water, so I decided it would be nice on a Saturday morning to sit there with Leia and enjoy the view. Leia was sitting very nicely at...
  19. R

    Reactive dogs aren’t trying to give you a hard time they’re having a hard time

    Just wanted to put this out there for anyone that has a reactive dog and is struggling. I heard this saying a while ago and it really opened my eyes that my reactive dog just has big feelings about some things and its not her fault for not knowing how to control them on her own. When I was at...
  20. I

    heartbroken over recent rescue

    Recently posted about our new 1 yo rescue Mastiff mix (H), who attacked another dog on a walk (completely unprovoked). Got a lot of super helpful advice, I ordered a muzzle and was ready to put in some training with the muzzle for future walks. But then, H attacked our other dog (C) and bit...