
  1. J

    Enough is enough

    I'm tired of the reels, tiptoes, insta whatevers, of the "do this, don't do that" making me feel like somehow I'm supposed to perfectly speak and know dog and we're a failure if we don't. The judgy advice from other people, the never had a dog BUT MY DOG WOULD NEVER. The folks who ship the dog...
  2. L

    You expect me to believe that dogs are smart when my puppy has zero (0) lifetime wins against me and the leash but tries to pull away 250x each walk?

  3. K

    Is there a sub like this but for anxious dogs?

    Edit: I’ve opted to delete this post because I found myself getting overly frustrated by some of the responses giving basic advice that wasn’t applicable to my situation after I stated I wasn’t looking for advice. Instead of being increasingly frustrated (and thus curt in my responses) I’m just...
  4. D

    Puppy potentially needing surgery. Getting overwhelmed thinking of his aftercare

    This is mostly just me getting some pent up worries out… In the past few months our 1 and a half year old puppy has dislocated his right elbow and wrist. After the second injury our vet took X-rays and initially thought he may have early signs of arthritis. They sent his X-rays to radiology...
  5. E

    I can’t do this anymore

    Today my dog bit someone. I was working with someone to rehome my dog. My dog actually got along well with this person and I had them meet before trying out a weekend stay. Everything was going really well. I got updated on my dog and it was surprising me how well he seemed to be doing. He got...
  6. N

    I hate it when people tell me what my dog is allowed to do

    Alright so this is a vent, which I take alot of you could actually connect with. So I have two dogs. Z. (5F) and N. (7m M). Both are shelties and it are mother and son. They go well together although Z. does not play with him due to her past. They are sweet to other dogs and do reach out to...
  7. M

    Raising a puppy by myself

    I’m a single male raising a new 9 week year old golden retriever. I love him and we have fun. I do work from home but I do have a few appointments once and while suck physical therapy, dentist, etc. I have left him alone twice. I made sure he had lost of exercise and went to the bathroom before...
  8. T

    8 m.o. is acting up after move to new city

    I just moved to a new apartment in a new town 2 weeks ago. I have an 8 m.o. pup and she seems to be really struggling with the move. She has been barking when I'm away (I can see her on my security camera). Last weekend, a neighbor complained to my landlord about her barking. This is very unlike...
  9. C


    Background: I've had my reactive female shepherd mix for almost 3 years. I'll refer to her as S. We've made much progress. I had no idea she was reactive when I adopted her- I kept her for the same reasons others in this chatroom have kept their challenging dogs. I feel that I have learned a lot...
  10. T

    " Your dog is reactive because you dont let him say hi or play with other dogs"

    Just here to say, if I hear this 1 more time from people who think they know more than me about my dog when they themselves don't even have a dog, I'm going to scream. That is all.
  11. K

    People have zero survival instinct and it’s hurting my dog

    (I’m aware my dog is my responsibility and no one else’s. I’m talking about open and wide spaces where there is an option to get away. When it’s the only option it is 100% my responsibility to avoid them, and control my dog. I just wish people had more empathy and common sense, and I hope this...
  12. C

    Entitled dog walkers

    My sister was walking our 4 month old lab x collie(L) today. On her walk she came across a lady who was walking her Cane Corso on the same path, so my sister decided to cross the road to another path for various reasons. This lady then said to her ‘I see that as dogism, which is practically the...
  13. H

    Dog park visit could have ended poorly MULTIPLE times

    I have been nervous about bringing my puppy to the dog park. He's only 4.5 months old right now. The last puppy I had who I brought to the dog park, got bit on his first visit right on top of his head and got a minor infection and almost cost some big vet bills. My boy is very polite, and...
  14. R

    Why can’t people leave me and my reactive puppy alone?

    I just came back from training at the dog park. I have a dog-reactive 7 m/o mini schnauzer, so today was the first time I attempted to sit down with him outside a dog park and work on his reactivity. Well, we lasted all of five minutes. Not only from my dog’s non-stop barking — but what was way...