
  1. I

    I dread 9pm… when my perfectly wonderful puppy turns into a demon straight from Hell

    Seriously. Since I brought him home at the end of March, the MOMENT the clock strikes 9, he changes. He goes from mouthy playfulness to breaking skin. Completely and utterly relentless. It doesn’t matter what we did that day. It doesn’t matter if it was a lazy day or a jam-packed exhausting...
  2. R

    Where my 5 A.M. puppy owners at?

    Anyone else here have a puppy that loves to wake up at precisely 5 A.M. every morning no matter what time you put them to bed?? Anyone who was able to overcome this, what's your secret? Sincerely, Exhausted :)
  3. J

    Vent on rehoming

    I am sensitive so I could be overly upset but just want to vent about this. No shame to anyone that has to return a puppy for personal reasons. My neighbor (in his 50s, no kids or partner) had a dog named “B”. Not his real name but will use for this post. B came from a shelter and he was around...
  4. J

    I have c*vid and a 4-month-old puppy with diarrhea

    I just tested positive for c*vid and I have a fever, fatigue, chills, my voice is practically gone. My puppy has had on-off diarrhea (possibly colitis) that we’ve seen the vet multiple times about now. The fecal test panel hasn’t come back yet and she’s on prescription diet now instead of on...
  5. N


    holy heckin’ bob I have to rant abt this (& it’s not always applicable to this group bc I have been in in LOTS of groups for pup owners and recently dipped out of a lot for the rant reasons) I’m on here to say SORRY NO ONE CARES ABT UR NON ANSWER OPINION/UNSOLICITED ADVICE. seriously. NO ONE...
  6. K

    I was warned about adolescence but H O L Y

    I can't tell what's worse, the lunging/jumping biting that seems to be the new way to act when overexcited or the sheer ignorance when I call his name. It's so frustrating that we taught a perfect "leave it" and "no" but these words have just completely lost all meaning now. He's just this puppy...
  7. H

    Feeling guilty about crating puppy for his 16-18hr sleep time

    I have a 5mo puppy who sleeps in his crate for about 16-18 hours a day and I’m starting to feel so guilty for how much time he’s in there. He’s on the 1 hour play and 2 hour sleep schedule except he gets 2 hours play in the morning/evening. I’d love for him to start napping outside his crate...
  8. E

    Straddling the line between DOES YOUR DOG WANT TO SAY HI and U-TURN

    My boy has been doing really well with his leash frustration. He has the hardest time when other dogs clearly want to greet him. I don’t want to overstep anyone’s training or create a dumb situation by being dumb. I also don’t like people in general. But it would be really cool if he could just...
  9. G

    Mom is thinking about getting a b*rk d*terrent and my entire family is against me

    So to start off my Mom has a Standard Poodle who’s around a year old. Ruby. She barks a lot. I thinks it’s a mixture of alert barking and just not having enough stimulation. My doesn’t walk, train, or provide much activity for her. She gets chews and we have lots of inedible bones and she gets...
  10. A

    Good wins; funny fails

    Today I took my dog to a place that is a mix of an outdoor mall and residential area with a few streets of a bars/clubs and restaurants in the center of it and a small park with a dog park. My dog is now minimally reactive and I take him about twice a week to this place to do some nice long...
  11. R

    I used to check WebMD for my symptoms and stay up late worrying if something wrong with me…

    Now, I do the equivalent for my pup. It’s 2 in the morning here and I am convincing myself with watching videos and reading articles that the few things my pup did today or yesterday or last week means he has either x, y, or z. Ugh, I wish I could just stop and go to sleep but I just worry...
  12. R

    Did I just give up on all my dreams?

    Anyone else with a new puppy get anxiety that you’ve just given up the ability to achieve all your kids desires, your dreams and goals? 😅 I just got a little girl on Saturday and it’s been a whirlwind. I feel like I’ve hardly hung out with my kids, even though they are enjoying the process of a...
  13. L

    “Wake up before your dog, it’ll help them sleep in longer” yeah thanks now he wakes up at 4:45am

    I’m so tired of being tired. My dog is 14 months old and he has never made it past 6am, ever. His activity levels and bed time the day before have zero bearing on when he wakes up. We’ve gone on 5+ mile hikes and then stayed up at a friend’s place until 3:30am and he was up for the day at 5:30...
  14. R

    My reactive dog got back to the shelter today. Absolutely heartbroken and angry

    Today I had to give back the 2 yr old pit mix I adopted about two months ago with my partner. We tried everything in our power to keep him as he was amazing with us. There rest of the world, however, terrified him; people, dogs, cars, statues, moving objects. We ended up talking to a...
  15. A

    F U Fireworks

    My god since the beginning of December people have been randomly lighting fireworks out on the street (especially on saturday night). I've been training my pup with sounds, play and treats and he's not comfortable but he's ok with it inside. When outside he's scared and will want to go home...
  16. C

    No my dog doesn’t want to join your unfenced dog park clique

    Hi everyone, this is my first ever post on Reddit so please educate me if I fail at anything, but I just need a vent about my neighbours. I live in a high rise just outside the inner city, and there is a “dog park” about 2 mins walk away - this park is however not fenced and as such I don’t...
  17. J

    Adolescent dog embarrassing to take out in public

    My sweet 6 mo. old puppy (we think Malinois/Canaan mix) entered adolescence a few weeks ago and I’m literally embarrassed to take her in public. Until now she was literally a perfect puppy. She learned every command quickly and could do them with 70% accuracy outside the house despite all the...
  18. L

    F*#$ AA!

    I attempted to fly American Airlines at LAX with my 6 month old 15 pound chihuahua-terrier mix puppy, and it was a horrible experience! I went to the check-in counter before my flight, and they told me he was too big for the airline-approved carrier... even though he was lying down in it closed...
  19. E

    What to do if I feel like I don’t like my puppy?

    So, I have an 11 1/2 w/o Golden Retriever, and I got her at 9 1/2 w/o, so I’ve had her for two weeks today, and it has just been a really really hard two weeks. I was having a hard time finding a balance between caring for her and caring for myself, and she’s a lot more work than I anticipated...
  20. S

    Depression, shame and guilt. I’m failing my dog

    I’m at a low point and really need someone to vent to. I got my dog almost 12 months ago when she was 8/9 months. I bought her from a cattle farmer who was rehoming her as a ‘pet’, because she wasn’t suited to working. Still, she comes from a line of working collie-type dogs (that said, one...