
  1. S

    Sudden change to aggressive behavior question

    We have three dogs. A 6 y/o female purebred German shepherd, a 4 y/o female black lab mix rescue and a 3 y/o male golden retriever, Australian cattle dog mix rescue - all fixed. We’ve had them all together for 3 years and never had a problem. Over the last week our 3 y/o male has become...
  2. N

    My dog hasn’t pooped in 3-5 days, and now I’m concerned?

    I’m on vacation so I’m useless at the moment. My family has been taking care of my dog and now I’m having a lot of stress, worrying about him. He had diarrhoea a week after I left suddenly. His diarrhoea had blood in it. Vet was all booked up, so had been feeding him chicken and rice up until...
  3. W

    Sudden change with my dogs

    First sorry for typos n grammar mistakes. English is not my first language. My dog is reactive on leash and I love her to bits with all the challenges. We adopted her last year from South Korea, and we train diligently. It has been a challenging year, with lots of treats and tears. This is...
  4. N

    Car management - window covers?

    So my little gorgeous reactive baby angel (!) dog loves to bark bark bark at dogs and people she sees when she’s travelling in the car. Whilst we are still working on her reactivity, I would like to black out the rear and side windows so she just can’t see the dogs and people. If she can’t see...
  5. G

    Can I feed my 4 y/o gshep mix 3 meals a day instead of 2?

    Without changing the total amount of food he eats a day, can I split it into 3 meals? I ask because he vomits stomach acid if I'm late giving him breakfast, which the vet says is normal because he's hungry (I gathered he's anticipating the food and then needs to vacate the excess acid when I...
  6. P

    Is fetch bad for our dogs too? Ffs

    Calm Canine Academy (on IG) posted that fetch is bad for reactive dogs bc it “harnesses the predatory sequence.” (Aside from it being bad for their joints). Has anyone found avoiding fetch helpful in lowering reactivity? Our 11-year old reactive rescue (have had her for 3 months) loves fetch...
  7. M

    7.5 month pup, with me since a week, 2 questions

    Hi, a week ago I adopted a 29 week old pup. He has been settling very well and behaves good. I am a first time dog owner and have run into 2 "issues". First issue is health related. Since yesterday he has been coughing and kinda wretching from time to time, like something is stuck in his throat...
  8. N

    2 y/o dog isn’t eating after coming home from vacation

    I just spent a week out of state, so my dog stayed over at my mom’s house the entire time. He got nonstop car rides, lots of yard time, and probably a little too much human food. He’s also obsessed with my mom, probably a little more than me, so I know he wasn’t too anxious being with her. But...
  9. L

    What should I do if I think my mother is neglecting/abusing our dog?

    (I'm not sure if this is the right sub for this, so please let me know if it's not! Posting from a throwaway account.) This is my sweet girl, and she's about 8 years old. She...
  10. R

    Fluoxetine Expectations

    We adopted a dog about four months ago from a hoard situation. He’s four years old, but clearly fearful of everything including us. We potty trained him but cannot pick him up, get a collar on him etc. Trainers had highly recommended we try Fluoxetine. He’s been on it now for almost 4 weeks. I...
  11. S

    What should I do with my troublemaking 5-month Labrador?

    Back in early January, our oldest daughter found a very young female Labrador puppy all on her own. Since it was pretty cold out, she decided to bring her back home. I'm guessing she was less than a month old because she'd mainly waddle and couldn't walk that well. We fed her, bathed her, and...
  12. N

    Any advice on how to keep my recently recovered dog to stop fighting my other dog?

    This is very long so here is a tldr Dog1 has been living in the wild for 3 weeks when she was lost in a large biking trail park. She was found today and taken home She is constantly initiating fights with dog2 The dogs: Dog1(ath): large rhodesian ridgeback we adopted from a shelter 8 months...
  13. A

    Intestinal parasites = stomach pain?

    intestinal worms = stomach pain? Hello. I have a question for my dog. He's 4 y.o and never got a dewormer since pup (until last month when vet suggested it). Before giving him the dewormer, his life is pretty much like: day 1 - stomach pain and pacing day 2 and 3 - normal appetite and...
  14. S

    Did I mess up or did this guy overreact?

    We live in an apartment and too many people use our courtyard to ever let my dog run around off leash. She’s reactive and has a bite history so it’s not a chance we’re willing to take. Not long after we adopted her we found a park about a half mile away that has a fenced in roller hockey area...
  15. D

    O wish I know what is the problem with my dog

    A white german sheperd, his name is Stitch he's 1year and 8 months old I have him since he was a little puppy of 45 days old he is loving playful nice and very energetic, I took a very good care of him like a child of mine, he eats the best food we walk up to 2 hours daily we play a lot and...
  16. T

    We have 2 female dogs and they fought

    L is a small 8yo dog, we have her since she was 1. V is 3yo, twice L’s size and weight. They have fought a few times before but we broke them off instantly. For some time this didn’t happen until today and L got lightly hurt. Since we have V, L has always been a bit afraid and limits herself...
  17. M

    Our 2 y/o corgi humps air/ejaculates when given food

    This only happened a couple times until recently. Now it's been happening maybe a couple of times per week and am getting a little worried. I have read that it could be over arousal, and I think that makes sense because usually he gets very excited when he gets fed. If that's the case, any...
  18. D

    Am I walking my dog too much?

    A lot of my neighbors complain, or mention, that I am always walking my dog. Bowser is a 9 pounds mutt and currently due to weather, short days, he gets 3 20 minute walks on a weekday, and 2 1 hour walks in the park and 2 20 minute walks at home. When the weather gets nicer, I hope to make the...
  19. D

    my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

    Can anyone explain why he’s doing this? For context, he’s always been pretty bad on the leash. I adopted him at 3 years old almost two months ago and we’ve made some progress. After a few weeks together he became possessive of me and reactive to other dogs and growls / barks / lunges at other...
  20. %

    Merrick dog food changes ??

    does anyone know if Merrick has made any changes to their recipes?? My 15yo F pug has been eating merrick kibble for years now, and my newly adopted 11yo F lab/husky has been eating it since i took her in (~1 year) and they are both currently struggling with diarrhea/upset tummies :( i noticed...