
  1. D

    What to do with vomiting dog? Vets can’t find cause

    My bf got a frenchie two weeks ago. Over the past five or so days the dog has been vomiting. After multiple vet visits there is no sign of the cause. They have tested his blood, stool and done X-rays. He’s on a chicken and rice diet for now but is still throwing up despite being fed in small...
  2. B

    I live in LA and the air quality sucks right now. Should I turn a KN-95 into a K(n)-9(5) mask for my dog?

    Just curious if maybe I should try to put something on him for walks? We’re cooped up inside since I have asthma so he’s not out too much anyway, but I’m still worried. I can take longer walks with my KN-95 and was curious if maybe I should try to whip something up for him? He’s only 10 lbs, his...
  3. M

    Mass on Dog’s neck

    I noticed some kind of bump/lump on my dogs neck. She is an 8 year old Shar Pei mix btw. It’s not visible on a picture but I’d say it’s about marble sized. The mass is only on her skin and not attached to her neck itself. It’s completely moveable and does not seem to cause her pain when I...
  4. L

    I'm saying goodbye to my old boy in 4.5 hours. When can I give him chocolate?

    Old boy was diagnosed with renal failure last week. A vet is arriving at 4pm to send him off. He's not eaten much at all in the past 24 hours, so he may not even take it. I don't want to make him feel any worse, either. When can I try to give him some chocolate? Edit - I just want to say a...
  5. D

    How to tell my mom that our GSD is overweight?

    Hi I’m a 20yr old living with my mom and dad. We got a GSD, Freya around 2019 and it’s been a rough few weeks, mostly because me and my dad have noticed significant behavioral and physical changes ever since she turned 3 (she’s 4 now). Mom has been feeding her this frozen meat cube diet that’s...
  6. L

    Protective dog, why?

    I have been boarding an unspayed black lab mix (about 7 years old) for 2 weeks, who just ended her heat cycle a few weeks ago and her personality has shifted to more calm and loving. However, we had a friend stay over for the night and the dog immediately jumped into the bed with her and...
  7. N

    Newly reactive 2 y.o.

    I have a just turned 2 pit mix. I adopted him at 8 weeks from a rescue. He's a pit mix, looks like pit/boxer. we did play all day daycare when he was younger with no real issues. "He plays rough." but there were no real problems. As he got closer to 2, the rough play was progressing and he was...
  8. J

    Any good omega 3-6-9 supplements that are in treat form?

    My dog has a tendency to not finish her food, even though it's the correct amount. So, she's not getting all of her Ultra Oil. It's so expensive, I don't want it going to waste! Any suggestions for other supplements? My dog is a 4 year old 25lb pomeranian husky mix.
  9. K

    Fence covering ideas? I want one that 100% is a visual blocker

    I already read past posts ☺️ I purchased this You can still see through it quite well especially when it’s sunny out. I was thinking of getting fake ivy to put on the fence, but my partner is worried the little fake...
  10. A

    What is this?

    This “growth”/ skin lesion suddenly appeared on my dog’s snout. I thought that she had burned her snout about 3 weeks ago, and she played today with another pup. Is it a burn, a bite, or something different (e.g., canine eosinophilic furunculosis)? Should I take her to the vet tomorrow or will...
  11. M

    Question about treats

    Our GSD (2.5 years, male) has food sensitivities and has been placed on the Hills z/d dog food. We're trying to train him but it's difficult to do without being able to offer him any treats. Does anyone know of any treats that he might be able to have?
  12. T

    Dad Shaved Husky’s Fur!! How to keep her cool w/o her coat?

    As title mentioned my father in his infinite wisdom decided to shave my husky’s fur off because he was sick of her shedding. Picture (gif actually cause I don’t have Imgur on phone) So it’s currently the very hot point of the year here in California. Normally I walk her in the morning but...
  13. M

    Is it bad etiquette to hang out at a dog park without a dog?

    So I had a a dog for 7 years but when I moved out of my moms house my dog stayed with my mom and brothers. I miss hanging out with dogs so I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to go to a dog park without a dog. I wouldn’t bother any of the dogs unless they came up to me and wanted to be...
  14. M

    Blood test

    We did a blood test on April 18th for my 8 year old maltipoo and the results came in platelets 1,026, hematocrit 37.4, Na: K ratio 26, potassium 5.8, and cholesterol 122 which h was low. The vet thought it might be an addison disease, we tested for it, it came back negative. His urine is also...
  15. O

    Can things improve for my 8 Y.O rescue?

    Hi everyone. I rescued a gorgeous lab retriever cross dog from north Macedonia is December (I live in the U.K.). He’s not a former street dog but was left chained in a garden a lot after his owner died and the family couldn’t care for him. He is genuinely so sweet, loves people and has been...
  16. W

    Treats for dogs prone to developing cystine Stones?

    Hi! Are there anyone here with dogs that have had cystine stones? (Bladder stones) Are there any treats available for dogs like that? My dog is only allowed to have either royal canin @infinity25 or hills @justinfaith22, no treats, no chews, nothing else. I tried to find info on if royal canin...
  17. T

    Legitimate Q.. how do people take dogs for a walk and keep their home clean?

    I'm interested in getting a dog but I also like to keep my home clean. I see people walking their dogs even on rainy days where the dog is rolling around in the puddle, and I wonder if they bathe them when they get in? How often is too much for bathing a dog before it becomes unhealthy for their...
  18. J

    Share with me what you LOVE about your reactive dog

    Some stranger told me that my reactive dog was a mean dog which kind of hurt my feelings because he doesn’t even know her. So I decided I want to share what I love about my dog because in my opinion her reactivity doesn’t define her! She loves snacks (same though) Her favorite toy is a small...
  19. S

    Can certain toys make a dog more agressive, or be emotionally unhealthy for a dog?

    I got my dog a new ball - it's called a "laughing ball". It's basically a really squicky ball. But it seems that my dog either likes too much or hates it. What I mean that he seems to fight with it, making those growling sounds while he runs after it and tries to bite it. Should I stop using...
  20. S

    Desperately trying to get my dog to lose weight

    I have an 8 year old Pomski that is 55lbs, I am desperately trying to bring his weight down to be around 40lbs. I have a log listed at the end of this post with his tracked weight since 2021. I have been calorie counting for the past two years, feeding him about 550 cal per day, including...