
  1. G

    4 month old pit/lab/hound mix in a 3 story split level/ experiencing setbacks and potential delays, possibly due to home layout

    This post is about socialization and pee training concerns. In this post i describe my house layout, our routine, our setbacks and my concerns. Looking for advice from experienced dog owners as i have raised 3 dogs before this puppy, and they are all perfect. Getting nervous about this one...
  2. A

    What kinds of things would you like to see from a gym, pet supply shop or other business that caters to reactive dogs?

    This question was inspired by a viral vid of a dog boutique in NY that gives private shopping sessions to reactive dogs and it sent me down a rabbit hole of wondering why NOTHING caters to dogs/dog owners in this demo. I made a mock-up of some ideas here but it’s all just scratching the surface...
  3. 2

    [serious] how to stop pups from biting?

    Our girl is just over 1yo, and still likes to “play bite” as we call it, but we want to end it - and nothing has worked. We’ve tried ignoring it, pushing the tongue down, etc., but she don’t give a shit and just loves trying to nip us. No, it’s not dangerous or anything….she just thinks it’s...
  4. R

    Over the counter flea treatments?

    Can anyone recommend a good over the counter flea treatment for a 12yr old 20lb frenchton? Since we moved back in w/ my parents in March-and exchanged our walks for their backyard- my baby has been tormented by fleas; scratching all day n night, using the boards under the bed for places she...
  5. A

    Dog can’t get up after sedation

    TLDR: He is paralyzed. It wasn’t the sedation. He had emergency surgery. 90% chance he will walk again, but he’s going to need Physical Therapy to accomplish that. If anyone knows about dog wheelchairs, please comment your advice. If anyone knows of any grants I can apply to, please comment that...
  6. S

    Thyro Tabs question

    My dog is 90 lbs and was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. My vet has him on 0.8 mg twice a day. Reading the paperwork that came with the meds, it seems like it’s too much. Shouldn’t it be 0.8 mg once a day or 0.4 mg am & pm? Did I read the dosage wrong?
  7. P

    bleeding penis

    Hello vets/fellow dog parents. My dog's penis was dripping blood last feb 1 so I immediately rushed him to the vet. Vet ordered for cbc, blood chem, urinalysis, pcr test and ultrasound (linked below). significant findings: CBC - high eosinophil, low mcv & mch blood chem - high globulin, low...
  8. K

    F golden retriever & M German shepherd. Who do I spay/neuter first?

    I have two puppies of the opposite gender. Female golden retriever and male German shepherd. They are reaching 4 months shortly. Female is 10 days older then the Male. I see so much mixed advice on the internet regarding the breeds and spaying/neutering and the vet just tells me they can do...
  9. L

    So are we LIMA or are we “bALaNceD”?

    Many other subs are starting to ban mentions of r/reactivedogs because of the rules and treatment regarding aversives here. The description says we promote LIMA and the wiki talks about types of training while still not once recommending aversive training tools and methods, many times saying no...
  10. H

    Dog suddenly squinting, IOP 32 at emergency vet

    I just got back from the emergency vet after noticing my dog suddenly squinting and uncomfortable with one eye. We had just gotten back from a walk, and she ate a whole bowl of food as readily as she always does. Outside of the sudden squinting, she has been behaving normally all day. The...
  11. M

    Pup does great at day care reactive to other dogs when with us

    Hello! As the title says, our Border Collie goes to daycare 3 times a week and does great there. This involves being picked up, going in the back of the van with a bunch of other dogs and spending the day running around with his dog friends/chasing balls. He gets nervous with new handlers but...
  12. O

    Lowering dog’s urine pH?

    We went to the vet a few months ago for a suspected uti. Urinalysis found suspected bacteria but the urine culture ultimately found no bacteria. So the vet said it was probably not a uti. During this visit we also did a blood test but everything was normal except high bilirubin. Today we went...
  13. F

    Working line

    Hey everyone I’m sure there is some advice in other posts but I was hoping for some comments tailored to me. It’s been some time since my families previous dog passed away and we’re starting to toy with the idea of bringing a new friend into the family. I’ve always loved the idea of a German...
  14. E

    feeding post anal gland surgery

    hello! my chihuahua just got home from an anal gland surgery performed late yesterday. one gland was removed. he’s a normal amount of uncomfortable but awake, walking around, and very hungry. the vet’s assistant/wife told me to feed him a tbsp of broth, but the info paper said feed half the...
  15. J

    Vaccination, help!

    Hi all, Not quite sure how to begin but we're super worried about our puppy's health and vaccination status. Obviously it's the Easter weekend so we won't be able to contact our usual vet until Tuesday so we thought to post here. Our Pomsky (Husky x Pomeranian) is 10 weeks and five days old...
  16. F

    My dog has low thyroid. How urgent is the treatment for it?

    T4 (Total) (μg/dL) Reading: 0.90 Ideal Range: 1.40 - 3.50 Inference: Low. Im asking this coz shes already completing her antibiotics course currently. Is it okay to take both the medicines together?
  17. G

    Quick Question About One of my Dogs Regarding Aggression

    Hi there. I own two English Cocker Spaniel. They're both angels, love people and are super good family dogs. They are siblings, roughly one year apart (almost on the day). Both are females. The older of the two (B) has always been very anxious. We're not sure why, but she's very alert and...
  18. 2

    Thoughts on Farmina N&D vs. Orijen Puppy Foods?

    Used to use Solid Gold and Taste of the Wild for all my dogs. Switched to Orijen Regional Red for my adult dogs not long ago and pretty happy with results. Have puppy now currently eating Farmina N&D and trying to decide whether to leave on that until adult or start transitioning over to Orijen...
  19. C

    Can I get a refund from an animal hospital for the wrong assessment on an X-RAY?

    Took my dog to an emergency hospital about 7 days ago, after I was worried he swallowed a cloth / plastic toy. They gave him an X-ray and told me there was nothing in his stomach to be worried about. Just this morning he threw up the entire toy that I was worried about. Do emergency vets offer...
  20. E

    2 y/o Lab lashes out on puppy

    My 2 year old male Chocolate Labrador lashed out on a puppy on my walk this evening. I’m trying my best not to use “attack” because it wasn’t really an attack… there was no blood or or bite or anything like that. Basically I was walking my dog and we can across a 4 month old puppy and I went...