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    Best collar to stop barking?

    @seets Can't you just take the dog to a shelter? Pretend you found it and tell whoever owns it that they must have gotten out, like they'd notice.
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    Best collar to stop barking?

    @jordan_tdwp Those aren't the type of dogs i'm referring to but rather the owners who leave dogs living in their own shit and filth outside with a bucket of food and maybe water, you know the type.
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    Best collar to stop barking?

    @leozw I never understood it until I got older but I strongly dispise people that own dogs and literally leave them outside all hours of a day with almost no interaction.
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    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @shpchvr This video helped me. It's long but worth it.
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    Problems with my boyfriend’s dog

    @annnnnie For starters, that's not how muzzle training works. Muzzling isn't a punishment. It's akin to putting a leash on for a walk. The dog should generally enjoy it. They should think of it as their collar where it's just something they wear. Dog attacks can slowly grow until one of them...
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    Reactive 4 y/o German Shepard

    @imagebreaker Watch prong collar training on shieldk9 or Robert cabral.
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    *VENT* Just because I use a prong with my dog doesn’t mean I think Every dog needs it or that I’m a bad or lazy dog parent

    @aegistoronto I often find that people who have some criticism either have untrained dogs, have lower expectations, or have dogs with such low temperament that they never had to deal with dogs bolting across streets to kill a squirrel. While training, it sucked having the odd eye. After...