How do you build respect with you dog?

@shpchvr Have you tried structure play?

Your dog shouldn't know that he has to listen to you just becuase the ecollar is on him. That's not ok, I recommend putting the ecollar on and doing nothing for a few days. Than start asking things from your dog with the ecollar on and correct your dog(if he dosen't do the thing you ask him) with something else than the ecollar, something that the dog understands it comes from you.

this video explains what I'm talking better from about 3 mins to 20 min.

I would recommend checking this video about how to make your rewards more rewarding:

If you listen to this video properly you will understand that you need to make it more about the interaction between the two of you rather than treats or a ball.
@shpchvr Glad you got rid of that trainer. How much do you expect from her exactly, you mentioned she got off of place, how long do you expect her to stay on place? Sometimes our expectations are way too high for what the dog can do. How do you play with her? I'd say check out Larry Krohn and Ivan Balabanov if you haven't already.

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