Problems with my boyfriend’s dog


New member
When my boyfriend and I started dating, he got a German Shepherd puppy from the pound. His name is Hercules and he’s almost 4 years old. We now live together in his parents’s house with several other dogs (all other dogs are below 30 pounds).

My boyfriend has not been a great dog owner thus far. He promised to take him out and walk him every day, to socialize him, to spend hours with him every day. He does none of that.

Hercules has now bitten two of the other dogs that live here. The first one was a male chihuahua who bit him first. When Hercules bit him back, the damage was severe, but the dog survived. That was two years ago. Today, he bit an elderly female dog. No one saw what happened, but she was likely in his space when he didn’t want her to be, and he snapped at her and bit her. She got stitches, but she’ll be okay.

My boyfriend wants to wash his hands of this dog. I have now taken full responsibility of him because I worry that giving him away would lead to him being in the pound again. We are currently working on leash pulling and obeying commands like “down”, “drop it”, and “with me”

Hercules also seems to dislike when the other dogs bark at the front door. He tries to sort of control them by barking/ pushing with his nose/ or snapping at the other dogs to get them to stop. My father in law has suggested muzzle training. As in, wait for him to do that, and then put the muzzle on to try and associate those behaviors with getting the muzzle on. But I don’t know if that will help or make it worse.

He seems to be really bored as well. He’s kind of too big to play with the other dogs as they are much smaller and much older. I ordered him some dog puzzles to try and keep his mind active on top of the hour walks I’ll be taking him on every day.

TLDR: I have no idea how to even begin to address resource guarding, fear of strangers and new dogs due to lack of socialization, fearful and aggressive behavior at the vet, he bars his teeth at me when I touch his nails (not due to injury, he just doesn’t like it) and they’re way too long. I’m scared to take him to a groomer because I don’t want him to bite another person.

Any advise, videos, articles, dog trainer suggestions in the San Diego, CA area are all highly appreciated. I have never trained a dog before and I’m in way over my head. I just don’t want him to end up in the pound again.
@annnnnie For starters, that's not how muzzle training works.

Muzzling isn't a punishment. It's akin to putting a leash on for a walk. The dog should generally enjoy it. They should think of it as their collar where it's just something they wear.

Dog attacks can slowly grow until one of them kills the smaller dog. Don't wait till then, buy a muzzle now.

They also sell bite proof vests for the smaller dogs.

I would NOT let them close to eachother without supervision. Even then there's no need, keep them separated. I know you might get push back but seriously, don't wait till a dog gets killed, thats speaking from first hand witnessing. Bite events don't happen every week, they can be spread out over months or years.

In terms of training, consider a board n train if you can afford it (1k or more usjally). Otherwise focus on down, come, heel, ok. With implied stays until the free command.

I like Robert cabral on YouTube. Same for shieldk9 and upstate canine. These guys use aversives well.
@annnnnie I highly suggest you consider rehoming the dog.

Dealing with this kind of aggression needs the help of a professional, and it can get quite expensive. Not only that, but this could be months or potentially years of rehab and behaviour modification that you’re looking at. Having multiple dogs in the house that are a trigger to him also makes things more difficult.

Im not sure what your budget is like, but just by how your post sounds, I think this a bigger problem than you and your family have the ability to deal with.

Edit: grammar
@annnnnie I suggest you give the dog away.

Too much work for you to do alone in an environment where no ones really understand dogs. And if i got it correctly you are the only one who wants to put the work in.

You don't need to step up this time for your BF. Its his responsibility and now you are having to deal with the problem and will feel terrible if he eventually kill the other dogs or bite someone.

It will be better for you and for the dogs, imo .
@ericm I kinda second this OP. It's going to be very hard to train a dog if everyone in the household doesn't participate in the training. Its doable, but very hard (even for an experienced person) For someone of your caliber who isn't experienced with training it's probably better to return the dog. Not only are you trying to train new habits but you have to get the dog to unlearn habits. Teaching a dog to unlearn habits is significantly harder. There is some aversion training that you can use but again it's about consistency and positive association and in order to have consistency everyone in the house should be helping. In order to have positive associations everyone in the house needs to be on the same page. Which the father is not based on how he thinks muzzle training works.

It's either that or pay for some professional help. I don't think a boarding trainer will do much good here because the main problems is the environment of the dog. So you need a trainer that can come to your home to help correct some of the issues that arises.

Edit: added second paragraph
@annnnnie Joel Beckman (look him up on YouTube) is in the San Diego area I believe. His videos have helped me tremendously so I can only imagine that it would be better in person
@annnnnie i know you really want to help, but its near impossible to train a dog when youre in a big family of people and dogs essentially working against you. If everybody helped out, and the other dogs also got trained and tuned up, then its possible with time and effort, however this doesnt seem to be the case.

Hercules needs one-on-one exercise, training, and a stress free space away from chihuahuas that have bitten him. He doesnt like the barking, he doesnt like the other dogs, hes bored and cooped up....its likely from this info that he doesnt like living with you, its gonna take BIG change to get him to enjoy this space now.

my advice, go online and be completely transparent about his past and behaviour, see if someone will adopt, list him as free but be informed on where hes going. you can also reach out to local training facilities and see if they know somewhere he will be safe, or look around on your behalf.
@revrude Exactly. This dog seems like he would benefit from some one on one time with a positive, grounded leader who knows what they're doing. I feel really bad for the OP and for the dog. I can't believe that no one's commented on the boyfriend 😅
@annnnnie YinYangk9 if you want to try and keep the dog. It does sound like the cards are stacked against you though, being that not everyone is on the same page. That’s a huge hurdle to get over, I’m sorry OP I know how amazing GSD’s can be !!
@annnnnie Thank you ofr loving this poor dog. I'd go to training classes and get the dog in shape to be able to go to a dog day care or dog park safely. The dog will benefit form tons of exercise, but needs to be socialized and trained to be able to go places.

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