Took dog to vet for frequent urination and found a bunch of health problems

@needgd Took her back to the vet this morning for the antibiotic shot. The vet said there were no crystals in her urine but she did have blood in it. She thought the antibiotic injection would be the best treatment since she is on other medications now and it isn’t easy to give her medicines.

I also let her listen to a video of Bella doing the snorting thing. She confirmed that it is a reverse sneeze and that there isn’t much that can be done about those other than calming the dog down while it is happening. I asked her about the coughing because I wanted to know if it was a result of a heart condition or a result of her partial tracheal collapse. She said that there wasn’t enough fluid around her heart to consider it to be a cough due to a heart condition. She said it sounded more upper respiratory. I just really hope she doesn’t have another major episode like she did about a week ago where she got stuck doing it for around 10 minutes before she calmed down. I started running a small vaporizer and air purifier. I’m not sure if that will help any.

I also asked about the extent of her tracheal collapse, and she said it was typical for her breed and age and no too concerning as of right now. She said I could continue with the elixir that she prescribed because it can open up airways some.

So as of now, we will go back in a few weeks with a urine sample and do another X-ray to check bladder, kidneys, trachea, and heart.

She will be taken the heart compound medication daily, and I think we will just give the elixir maybe every few days. I’m hoping this antibiotic shot doesn’t do too much of a problem to her GI, and I’m going to attempt giving her a pre+probiotic that I found.

Fingers crossed that she starts getting better soon.
@pugnodei Murmur is quite common in older dogs and there is not much that can be done. Ask the vet questions, for that is their job to inform the pet parent. Never be afraid to ask questions on your fur baby's conditions.

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