Best collar to stop barking?


New member
I need suggestions on a collar that can stay on all the time and stops a dog from barking all the time. Beep, vibrate, shock, it doesn’t matter. I’d love to hear from those who’ve had success with them.

Before anyone attacks me, you should probably understand the situation. We have an outside dog. We live on a busy Highway. The dog will bark at a motorcycle, or semi truck, heck sometimes even a car going down the road if it feels like it. The dog is also literally right outside my window. I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve gotten 3-4 hours asleep because of it. So please think about that before you call me “cruel”. It’s cruel getting 3-4 hours of sleep and trying to function.

@seets You should figure out why your dog is barking.

Or, honestly (and this is from someone who uses an e-collar extensively with my dog) you should probably find another home for the dog.

I am not calling you cruel, but your post seems to indicate you don't care much about the dog, and before you strap a device to it that hurts it, you should care.
@annaliseh I don’t care, you’re right. After getting countless nights of 3-4 hours of sleep, it’s hard to have compassion.

It isn’t my dog which is why I can’t “find it another home”. Even if I could it would be impossible. She bites everyone who isn’t, well, us… She’s even bits grandparent.

I appreciate your comment though!
@seets Tools like collars can assist you in communicating what you want and don't want to your dog, but no tool can communicate for you. Consider bringing your dog inside at night.

I'm just gonna say it. Leaving your dog outside all the time and zapping an ecollar from inside the house whenever you hear barking is kinda cruel. The fact that you refer to your dog as "it" and not "he" or "she" is also a red flag. They're not humans, to be sure, but if you're keeping your dog at this physical and emotional distance, why even have a dog?
@bprice I totally get what your saying. I shoulda said it’s not my dog. I love other peoples dogs, but it’s impossible to love this one. Getting 3-4 hrs of sleep countless nights probably has something to do with that. Also she’s mentally ill. Extremely bipolar. It’s just hard to love this dog. She has bit countless people. It’s amazing we haven’t had charges pressed.
@seets If she’s bitten, so many people why is she living outside? What’s the prevent her from either getting out and finding a person to bite or biting a delivery person or the gas guy or whoever wanders into the yard.

Don’t leave dangerous dogs outside on their own, and then be surprised when they do bad shit.
@seets The fact that it's not your dog should not stop you from finding another home for it any more than it's stopping you from shocking it. Whoever "owns" this dog has completely bailed on their responsibility. If you have a good relationship with this person, have a serious discussion with them about either committing to training and rehabilitating this dog, or surrendering it. If you have a bad relationship or no relationship with this person, fuck 'em. They've lost their rights here, at least from an ethical perspective. Do what's best for this dog and for yourself. I'm sure there are shelters and rescues in your area you could consult about what legal implications there are, if any. But do something. Both you and this dog are suffering and inflicting further suffering on the dog is not the answer.
@kimberlystambaugh This is asinine. If the qualifying result of abandonment was death, then rescues and shelters would be full of, ya know, dead dogs. The whole point of rescues and shelters is to keep abandoned dogs alive.
@seets Yeah we also live by a busy road and crate trained our dogs to sleep inside and play music as white noise. Any kind of collar used to try to stop barking tends to just make barking worse. (Your dog is doing their job, trying to alter you to potentially scary things outside, then they get shocked or a vibrate or citronella spray and it only confirms their fear that the scary things outside make bad things happen, so next time they bark even more because of the negative feedback loop!)

Unless you’re willing to let your dog sleep inside and do actual training (e collar training should really be done with the help of a professional and again isn’t a quick fix for barking, or any kind of behavioral issue really) I agree with the other comment that you should rehome the dog instead.
@seets whose dog is it and why are YOU trying to fix the problem? call animal control and make a compliant to them. that’s as much as you need to be doing. buying an e-collar or bark collar for a dog that isn’t yours isn’t okay.
i used to live next to a dog that would bark at any hour of the day or night, yes it’s annoying, but either suck it up or call animal control and let them know there’s a nuisance animal. idk what the laws are in your state about nuisance animals though so good luck
@seets What in the fuck is an "outside" dog? Dogs should never be outside unattended, period. It sounds to me more like you are abusing your dog and probably shouldn't have one at all. I hope the dog keeps barking, you deserve it.
@leozw I never understood it until I got older but I strongly dispise people that own dogs and literally leave them outside all hours of a day with almost no interaction.

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