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    My GSD is good, then he is not

    @aceaxes Desperation breeds ingenuity. 😉😆
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    What Do I Look For In A Behsviorist:

    @earthboundmisfit929 Here's a organization that should help you find a reputable vet beh. The link should be on the Behavior Consutant/Trainer search page.
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    My GSD is good, then he is not

    @aceaxes Petsmart sells 20' and 30' long leads ($25-30). I like to D-ring ($6 Harbor Freight) two together and that way I can play on-lead fetch and still have control. I tie loops into the leads so I can have control at different lengths.
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    Too many bites - what do we do now

    @laurenalexylee It sounds like a couple of things: first, does she have pain anywhere? There may be an old injury that crops up and increases sensitivity. Nerve or skeletal pain isn't always obvious and dogs instinctively mask pain. Also, People and other dogs in general love to push past the...
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    No hope for 8 month old Golden?💔

    @oscarwip You have a teenaged dog (hormonal crazy times) plus a behavioral issue, plus meds. Generally, training is most effective in short bursts of 5-10 minutes, naps after help processing. Marathon sessions aren't effective because dogs don't have our brain. Here are some articles about...
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    Humbled - training is NOT the issue or the answer

    @baohomotorprovn250932 Late night and early morning walks. Hands free leash. Try renting at You'll have your own area to play. Nose work is good too. Avoiding dogs, controlling contact distance to give you both a break is good too.
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    Could a (vibrating and/or beeping) e-collar be used for positive reinforcement, similar to a clicker?

    @johnc101 Mixing your reinforcement with your punishment may be limiting your range of options. Say you look at markers or bridges on a spectrum: pleasant to painful. Clicker would be on the pleasant end of the spectrum, whereas the ecollar would be closer to the other end. You want to keep as...
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    My girl just earned a steak breakfast

    @eggimations I wondered about the territory intersection between the two. I love all three breeds to pieces, but they tend to think differently. "Cows eat welders"🤣🤣🤣🤣
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    Are harnesses good??

    @outbackhatter THIS. THIS. THIS.
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    My girl just earned a steak breakfast

    @eggimations How does the Pyr and GSD relate?
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    I’m rehoming my puppy, I can’t stop crying I am devastated

    @unbakedpegga You're very wise and honest to call it before something bad happened. Not being able to meet everyone's needs shortchanges the pup and you.
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    My girl just earned a steak breakfast

    @dmsnansdkfl A million and a half are a lot.
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    Secluded Dog

    @getting_old If you can't tell what starts any negative behavior, brush up on your canine body language. Admin Note: dog's eyes see motion sooner than ours, for instance, seeing the flicker of florescent lights because the cycle is within their range. Varies by dog.
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    Secluded Dog

    @getting_old 🤜🏽🤛🏼
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    Secluded Dog

    @getting_old You need solid behavioral advice. Long term. The dogs have established their current relationship and changing the emotions there will take time. Start by finding out the distance that they can be within eyeline without negative body language and only maintain it with positive...
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    Enough is enough

    @jackih Salud!🥂 Especially the 75' guy. It's like they get brain damage.
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    Enough is enough

    @jackih Sing it!
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    Enough is enough

    @momoftwoteens THIS. Douchey-judgey people who waltz into your space like there's this magical Perfect Dog Switch that you haven't switched ON on your dog, so it's your fault. Meanwhile, their dog is holding it together by their toenails because your dog is reactive, and they think that's ok.
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    What do you say to owners of off-lead dogs?

    @jaxosk26 You've made yourself visible. The vests will help once the regulars start recognizing you. Practice more training like getting behind you on command, moving between your legs for protection. Compressed air, airhorn, or citronella gel could be the last line of defense. But also...
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    Enough is enough

    @karenmonique It's a head harness that uses pressure on the bridge of the nose to increase control and reduce pulling.