Secluded Dog


New member
I have a 5yr (M) German Shepard that has been stuck in a separate room and yard from the rest the household and the other dogs due to a dog fight within the first year of living with them and while j was away serving.
I recently got out of the Army and have begun working with his obedience training, and he's come a long way, but I'd like to start working him back into being around the other three dogs in the house.
Any tips or tricks would be appreciated for how to reintroduce him to a 2month (F) and 5yr (M) blue heeler, and a 12yr (F) red heeler/ Shepard mix. All dogs are still "intact" / unfixed and we don't plan on changing that.

On top of the seclusion, due to this dog fight he has been highly reactive to other dogs and people on walks (always on leash but I need to get a muzzle). I've been driving him to an old dirt road 10-15mins from my house for exercise once or twice a week when I'm off work, but I'd like to be able to just walk him around the block and sit on the porch with him without having to worry about him barking at the neighbors.
@getting_old You need solid behavioral advice. Long term. The dogs have established their current relationship and changing the emotions there will take time. Start by finding out the distance that they can be within eyeline without negative body language and only maintain it with positive reinforcement for both dogs during any eye contact for a few minutes at first. The distance may be further than you think. Rushing it may add to bad experiences.
Please contact or another degree-holding, Fearfree behaviorist for guidance.
@citfield This. OP needs to use a certified professional, preferably fear free and not punitive training.

I’ll hold my tongue re the commitment to not spay/neuter dogs of varying sexes. Actually no I won’t. WTH OP, are you a backyard breeder??? Our nations dog overpopulation problem is at record highs and you’re risking (actually ensuring) more litters 😤
@getting_old If you can't tell what starts any negative behavior, brush up on your canine body language.
Admin Note: dog's eyes see motion sooner than ours, for instance, seeing the flicker of florescent lights because the cycle is within their range. Varies by dog.