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  1. P

    How much training is undone by practicing bad behaviors?

    @confundido I have a Keeshond, one of the larger German spitzes. Most German spitz varieties are barkers, alert and guard barking is literally what they were bred to do so you’ll never probably have a quiet dog. It’s like asking a herding breed not to herd. My dog is about the same age as your...
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    The teenage stage isn’t what I thought it would be

    @dharmachrsitian This makes me feel really good. I know it’s mostly a time and consistency thing, but it’s taken longer than I thought. It’s been many years since I’ve had a puppy so I kind of forgot about the rebellious stages. I so prefer his behavior now than I did even a few months ago so I...
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @yeshuafollower Haha yeah. I have started timing how long it takes him to settle because I realize my sense of time is really off. The middle of the night crazies did take a long time, although he wasn’t really crazy for more than a few minutes. I’ve also realized sitting quietly with him works...
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    The teenage stage isn’t what I thought it would be

    @siahstaton36 My puppy has had 2 teenage phases, I refer to them as his high school phase (7-11 months) and his college phase (13-16 months, but I’m cautiously optimistic some of it is starting to settle.)
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    It’s only night 2 and I’m struggling

    @yeshuafollower I’m at the same place as you. My boy had never been in a crate before, so we’re having to work up to that. But he has a pen attached to the crate so we’re starting there. Last night one thing that helped me was sitting next to him holding a bully stick for him to chew on while...
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    Feeling hopeless - dog reactivity

    @brokenrjp You didn’t do anything wrong, every dog has their own issues. I have a Keeshond and you could be describing my dog when he was that age. Leash reactivity was something I hadn’t prepared for because I’ve never had a dog with this issue. My boy has dealt with frustrated greeting since...
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    1.5 y/o prospective service golden retriever doesn't comfort me when sad

    @phit4lyfe Training a dog to do specific commands as part of routine to become a service animal and wanting them to be empathetic to your needs are different. If she’s doing deep pressure therapy it’s because she’s been trained to look for cues that alert her to do the thing she’s been trained...
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    So do y’all have treats on you basically 24/7?

    @procakes223 Yes. It’s definitely decreased as he has gotten older, but there are treats still stashed around the house and in my pockets. Distractions on walks are the biggest use. I also have them for drop it/leave it because he tries to eat bees and giant lumps of grass after it’s been mowed...
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    Is it common for people to only brag about their perfect puppies?

    @beaudoiin Yeah I think everyone has different thresholds for different behaviors. I was visiting family over the weekend and stayed with cousins who told me to bring him. It’s been awhile since we’ve traveled so he was extra hyped, he barked a lot, and always ran to greet people at the door...
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    Is it common for people to only brag about their perfect puppies?

    @gvz I will admit I was kind of jealous of angel cloud baby when our puppies were younger. He was just more cuddly and calm than my puppy. I wondered what those folks had discussed with the breeder that made her place the calm puppy with them. At the same time they are retired, they don’t go out...
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    Is it common for people to only brag about their perfect puppies?

    @thegingersnap16 I feel like reading about puppies is sometimes like reading about children. Some of it is perspective, some of it is individual personality, and some of it is maintaining and illusion of the perfect life. Every puppy has strengths and weaknesses. Some people are more laid back...
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    Has positive reinforcement for leash reactivity actually worked for anyone?

    @lunabeam Yes I have had really good luck, but it’s taken a long time and it’s not perfect. Allowing leash greetings has probably kept you from seeing quicker progress and it’s something that can be challenging to undo. My boy is just shy of 2 years and it took a solid year for us to get to a...
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    Is it possible my puppy is overstimulated by the tv?

    @1corithians13 Honestly I would say it’s because you have a 13 week old puppy, not because of the television. The television may not help the situation. When my puppy was that little he did better if we did quiet time before actual bed time. He would have about an hour in his crate, covered. I...
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    Puppy incessantly cries for an hour every night

    @tami1959 My puppy has never slept in my room with me, and now as a young adult he even prefers his own space. However screaming for an hour is not great. For the first 4-6 weeks I would sit with him until he settled and fell asleep. He slept in a pen with an open crate attached. I would time...