The teenage stage isn’t what I thought it would be

@beckyh The post is hilarious but people are just trying to get new dog owners to not anthropomorphize their dogs cause it can lead to misunderstanding their dog’s behavior
@wiseracoon i think you’re both correct. there’s room for a little anthropomorphization, as a treat, but it can and should come with a big reminder that it’s all in good fun and that dogs don’t understand sass or spite so much as they know quick gratification and playful disobedience. especially while anthropomorphizing our pets is still such a widespread problem.

edit for clarity not trying to correct you just saying i appreciate the discussion going on here!
@shake1155 Oh definitely, I totally understand that and know it can be negative to anthropomorphize a dog sometimes. I’m just joking around to ease my stress and laugh it off.

I do have to say, though, she is a bit sassy. I think this is a trait animals can have. My female long haired tuxedo cat is full of sass.
@adaleow I was thinking the same. The post is funny, it’s written in a light hearted way. But to every new owner reading this, don’t forget that puppies don’t do things out of spite or out of revenge. The only thing that happens in their teenage phase (probably) is that they are more “rebellious” and they simply choose to do what they feel like doing instead of listening to you because of poor impulse control and hormones, not out of spite.

And a little bit out of topic, I find it funny that most of those “teenage puppy” things are basically my 3 year old shiba. She doesn’t destroy anything or make any trouble but she always does what’s on her mind and it will take a lot of convincing and patience for her to listen. Specially when we’re going to walk in a direction she doesn’t want to go. She looks at me like “no, it’s this way, I want to go this way” and then sits there for 5 minutes. Sometimes I’ll compromise and go her way and other times she will be the one to (reluctantly) compromise. She’s so funny I love her.

Edit: typos and grammar
@adaleow Spite = premeditation IMO.
Theirs no weighing of right or wrong in general because delicious garbage is delicious garbage no matter how you look at it. :)
@john919 I deny this WHOLE HEARTEDLY

I had a dog growing up who would spite-discipline his People by finding something that smelled like them and chewing it if the person did something that irked them.

Dad yelled at Colt for doing something bad?

Chewed off the buttons off Dad's shirt

Mom sit in the rocking chair that Colt was afraid of at first?

Colt would take toilet paper out of the bag (NOT OFF THE ROLLER) and chew that. (Smelled like Mom cause she did groceries)

Brother do have Colt smell his deodorant, and Colt is super offended?

There goes Bro's shoes.

Always DAY OF INCIDENT and obviously on purpose. It was very pointed towards the person, and he didn't do those things UNLESS someone offended him in some way. He eventually grew out of that phase but MAN it was bad lol
@mindfulb lol. My dog does shit like this. She’s 4 months old but also hitting the teenage phase and bites everything that she knows she isn’t supposed to, and as soon as I tell her no or walk up to her she trots away.
@siahstaton36 I have a baby gate at the office to try and prevent him from running to the door and tackling some poor customer. But my boy doesn't like being told to stay in one room. The other day he walked up to the gate, looked at me and hopped over it while keeping eye contact with me.

He knew what he was doing.
@siahstaton36 My puppy has had 2 teenage phases, I refer to them as his high school phase (7-11 months) and his college phase (13-16 months, but I’m cautiously optimistic some of it is starting to settle.)
@pazuzil Same here with my pup!! I haven't heard of anyone else's dog going through 2 teenage phases, but mine absolutely did. The 2nd one was a lot more frustrating than the 1st. It also lasted a lot longer. Around 19 months he started having more good days than bad. He's now 2 months shy of 2 years and I can safely say he's developed into a mature gentleman. Hang in there!
@dharmachrsitian This makes me feel really good. I know it’s mostly a time and consistency thing, but it’s taken longer than I thought. It’s been many years since I’ve had a puppy so I kind of forgot about the rebellious stages. I so prefer his behavior now than I did even a few months ago so I have my fingers crossed that by this fall maybe some of his energy will be at more adult levels.
@pazuzil That’s interesting. Maybe that is what I’m going through too. Horrible adolescence, things were starting to improve after her first birthday then about a month ago the wheels came off again at 14 months. She’s been pooping in the house again even after being let out 20’times, and yesterday ripped the screens on the screened in porch because there was a Robin on the lawn. This is stuff we’ve been working on daily for almost a year!!
@pazuzil I think my pup is going through a second phase too. She was good last month and this month she has been testing boundaries again, not listening on walks, crying/barking when put to bed. She is 14 months old.

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