*URGENT* Please tell me Im not crazy and this isn't normal!?

@justiniun Keep pestering other grooming shops. That’s not normal. It promotes early burn out and possible injuries with how much you’re having to do, not to mention the mental strain I can only imagine you’re going through! Remember the biggest tool you have in your kit, is your WHOLE body!
@ninner Yes, they definitely dont understand how much pressure grooming is on our bodies. I do want to bring this up bc the other groomer is having sciatic pain in her back, and I had to tell them to stop adding dogs 2 days in a row bc my back pain was growing.
@justiniun I would stick to the welfare aspects - for you and the dogs. Ask (don't tell) how to manage scheduling issues and clashes and only put forward suggestions if they seem open to it. I wouldn't mention money at all because let's face it, no amount of extra commission would keep you at this salon long term. Just try to get enough concessions to keep your sanity for the next few months.
@justiniun If my boss read this he'd have a heart attack lol I own huskies and if someone tried to send them home wet I would actually cause a scene ! Luckily I have my HV dryer at home but lots of double coat owners don't and that's gonna cause yeast infections and skin issues
@justiniun Start working on some of the certifications like AKC Safe and introduce new processes into the salon once you have the credentials to back you up. Otherwise, run and/or start your own, :O.

Evolution not revolution, when it comes to making changes.

Also, groomers move around a LOT, so there may be more openings than you think, they just don't advertise well, always worth stopping in to some salons you are interested in.